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Trivia Types of Jealousy

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017
Jealousy is a common but complicated emotion. When we get jealous,we often feel insecure, overwhelmed, scared, and at a loss. It is natural to feel jealous every once in a while, but in the long-term, it can have a negative impact on the individual and their relationships. Common symptoms of jealousy include resentment, frustration, impatience, anger, and general unpleasantness.Upon knowing it different root casue we're going to discuss below the different jealousy types that you've been dealing from day to day life experiences.

Romantic jealousy: This may be the most frequent type of normal jealousy that people experience.
Based on real or imagined threats to a romantic relationship. There could be a history of infidelity or flirtations; however, this could also be solely based on insecurities.

Rational and reactive jealousy: Based on something concrete, such as some kind of evidence (e.g., an incriminating text message) that leads to doubts that are based in reality.

Family jealousy: Based on familial bonds. For example, it can come up when one sibling feels like the other is getting more attention.There is rivalry among siblings.

Sexual and suspicious jealousy: Based on fears that a partner may have cheated or be engaged in inappropriate communication.

Power or Work jealousy: This form of jealousy strikes when someone is jealous about someone else getting a promotion, a raise, or some other reward at work.
Based on personal fears that come up at work or in relation to your career. For example, this might occur when a colleague receives a promotion and you don’t.

Pathological jealousy: Based on irrationality and likely comes with a comorbid mental health diagnosis. It can be attributed to extreme immaturity, insecurity or an obsession with being in control. Sometimes it is due to a mental illness such as schizophrenia or paranoia, or due to a chemical imbalance in the brain.

Excerpt from ChoosingTherapy/Sharecare

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