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Tutorial [TUT]~Changing icons on the homescreens, Changing icons in the dock., Changing Icons in the Appdrawe

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Forum Veteran
May 12, 2013
Changing icons on the homescreens
1. download the icons
2. copy/unzip to your phones sdcard
3. install Desktop Visualizer, its for free at the market.
4. long press on the homescreen and choose the widget "Desktop-Visualizer". there u can make shortcuts and choose also the size
5. done - have fun

Changing icons in the dock.
1. simplies way is to use Launcher Pro, its for free at the market.
3. Install the launcher and make it as your standard
2. download the icons and copy/unzip them to your phones sdcard
4. long press on the dock icon an choose "change icon" then "custom icons"
5. done - have fun

Changing Icons in the Appdrawer

i have not tested this way. be sure what u do and allways make a backup of ur system !

The icons themselves are stored inside the individual apk files. You
need to open each one, swap out the icon and reassemble it. It's not
nearly as hard as it sounds.

1. Tools you need
  • 7zip Download the appropriate version for your PC.
  • The original copy of the Fresh ROM you used to flash your phone.
  • The icons you want to change.

2. Create a working folder on your PC.
3. Using 7zip, open the Fresh ROM zip file. Navigate to the system/app
folder inside the ROM. Highlight ALL the .apk files, and drag them into
your working folder. Close the Fresh ROM zip file.
4. Decide on which icon you want to change first. I'll use the Browser as an example.
5. Use 7zip to open the Browser.apk you pulled out of the Fresh ROM. Once open, look for the res/drawable folder inside the apk.
6. Inside that folder, look for an .png file named ic_launcher_browser.png . That's the icon that the app uses.
7. Have your new icon ready. It should be 48x48 and a .png file. Make sure it's named ic_launcher_browser.png .
8. Drag the NEW icon into the open 7zip window that's showing the
res/drawable folder. Choose yes if it asks you about overwriting the
original file.
9. Close 7zip.

The Browser app has now been changed and will show your new icon in the
drawer, and on the homescreen if you paste a shortcut. Do the same for
each of the apps you want to change the icon of. The icon will always be
in /res/drawable, and be named ic_launcher_ app name.png

Once you have changed all the icons, you'll have a set of apk files with
your new icons. You can push these to the phone one by one from the
terminal, or you can create your own update.zip

To push them to the phone (once again Browser.apk will be our example)
1. In your Android SDK/tools folder, make a new folder called icons.
2. Copy the Browser.apk file to the folder you just created.
3. Open the windows command prompt, and navigate to the Android SDK/tools folder. NOT the new folder you just made.
4. Enter the following commands one line at a time:


adb remount
adb push \icons\Browser.apk /system/app/Browser.apk
5. Do the same for each of the apk files you edited, changing the
name Browser.apk to the name of the file you're pushing to the phone.
6. Reboot the phone.
7. done - have fun

Note: if Broke yung Link google nlnq hehe!, para may gawa nmn keu hehe :D
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wala na TS?
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