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Closed Script Claimer Crypto Procoinadvice

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May 15, 2020
This script help you to claim from the website of procoinadvice, doge trx & xrp
Ok, let's do expample with Doge, remember is same procedures for others Currencies

1) Open Canary and choose your browser in TargetApp
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2) Start Service by tapping in the corner
http CANARY is a excellent Sniffer of all data that app or browser exchange with internet

3)First of all you need to register at website --> https:/ :ROFLMAO: /expresscrypto.io/

4) This is your dashboard, from here you can manage your wallet, from here copy your ID

5)Now we need to go to website Procoinadvice -->https:/:ROFLMAO:/procoinadvice.com/autodoge/
in this page we paste our ID of ExpressCrypto and choose our corrency Doge, Trx & Xrp we need to do 3 times, one for each currency

6)Pay attention to jump all the adverties

7)this is your final page

8) Re-open Canary and we found the site procoinadvice.com/autodoge/claim.php?coin=DOGE
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If you have to many sites just make a filter as i did and you have in the list only the site that you want sniff

9)when you open the site we need to save our PHPSESSID (will be always the same for all currency in this website) and the TOKEN (will be different for each currency) of our currency
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10) Wow Finally
open termux and run the script with command "php bot.php" and follow instructions on screen
-->here<-- you can find my guide of termux if you need

SNIFF data with http canary is quite easy depend if your browser is "permissive", i had couple of trouble in my experience with chrome, but keep in mind this tutorial because steps for http canary are always the same just change the target app

Thanks everybody for your support, i just want apologize with everybody for the advertisement that you could find on the photo, i've different project in my mind i hope remove soon all advertising
hopfully will be soon, i thanks everybody and a big CIAO from italy
Http Canary --> Easy to find on PlayStore
termux --> Easy to find on PlayStore
Script --> http:/:cool:/raboninco.com/tV8o (to download just remove the smile)
as always, I'm at your disposal for anything
Thanks Guys


Legit paying?
Expresscrypto.io is a cryptowallet
That give to you the chances to earn money by Faucet,
Faucet are website that give you small quantity of cryptocurrency by watching advertising and so on,
Script just emulate that you are stay on their page to earn money,
Nothing of scam,
Is legit and deposit are on your account of Expresscrypto.io
There are a lot of script on this i just make mine,
If you want earn more you should use as much script as possible and pay attention to don't get banned.
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