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Assessing the Impact of Contactless Payment systems in local restaurant in calapan city

can you explain each word about this
Certainly! Here's an explanation of each word in the research title:

1. Assessing: This means to evaluate or analyze the impact of something. In this case, it refers to understanding and studying the effects of contactless payment systems in local restaurants in Calapan City.

2. Impact: This refers to the influence, effect, or consequence that contactless payment systems may have on local restaurants. It involves examining both positive and negative outcomes.

3. Contactless Payment Systems: These are payment methods that allow customers to make transactions without physically swiping or inserting their credit or debit cards. Instead, customers can use technologies such as mobile payments, digital wallets, or NFC (Near Field Communication) to make secure payments.

4. Local restaurant: This term refers to eating establishments that are located in a particular area or community, in this case, Calapan City. These restaurants are typically owned and operated by members of the local community.

5. Calapan City: It refers to a specific location, a city in the Philippines. Calapan City is the capital of Oriental Mindoro province and is known for its vibrant food scene.

By assessing the impact of contactless payment systems in local restaurants in Calapan City, researchers aim to gain insights into the benefits, challenges, and overall effects of adopting such payment methods in the local food industry.
Certainly! Here's a breakdown of each term in the statement "Assessing the Impact of Contactless Payment systems in local restaurant in Calapan City":

1. Assessing: This means evaluating or analyzing something in order to understand its impact, effectiveness, or implications.

2. Impact: Refers to the effect or influence that something has on a particular situation or outcome. In this context, it relates to the effect of contactless payment systems on local restaurants in Calapan City.

3. Contactless Payment Systems: These are payment methods that allow customers to make transactions without physical contact, typically using technologies like Near Field Communication (NFC) or mobile wallets. Examples include payments made through mobile phones or credit/debit cards using tap-to-pay features.

4. Local Restaurant: Refers to eating establishments or food service establishments that are locally owned and operated within a specific geographical area, in this case, Calapan City. These restaurants are typically not part of large national or international chains.

5. Calapan City: It is a city located in the island province of Oriental Mindoro, Philippines. As the context suggests, this assessment specifically focuses on local restaurants in this particular city.

In summary, the given statement is about examining and understanding the effects of contactless payment systems on locally-owned restaurants in Calapan City, particularly assessing the influence and outcome of implementing such payment methods.

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