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Closed Reasons Why You Should Have A Cat At Home

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14 Reasons Why You Should Have A Cat At Home

Around one third of households in the United States have a cat. There’s a very good reason why cats are one of the most popular pets, not only in the U.S. but around the world. It’s because they make wonderful companions that they are a great addition to your home.

Funny, loveable, and gorgeous creatures, what’s not to love? If you need some convincing about their greatness, then read on, with these 14 reasons why you should have a cat at home.

1. They’re hilarious
They really are. From their random dances and leaps, to their fascination with a speck of dust, cats provide a regular source of amusing entertainment. Need proof? Just search for funny cat videos online.

2. They show you that anything can be a bed
A washbasin, an impossibly small box, a computer keyboard, even a sheet of paper on the floor. A cat shows you that there are no limits to what can be used as a bed.

3. They keep you grounded
If you ever start to become too full of your own self-importance, a swift derisive look from your cat will be enough to remind you that you’re not as awesome as you think you are.

4. They’re great company
They pretty much just want to hang out and relax, eat a little, play a little, snuggle a little – the perfect companion.

5. They’re loving
Sure it’s on their terms, and only when they want it, but when they decide it’s time to allow you to pet them, you will be rewarded with warmth and affection that melts your heart.

6. They bring you gifts
A half-chewed mouse might not be at the top of your desired gift list, but you can at least appreciate the sentiment.

7. They don’t mind if you give them silly names
They really don’t, so indulge your crazy name fantasies on them. Just remember, though, that this is the name you will have to answer to when they call it out at the vet office.

8. They’re cute, really cute
Seriously, why wouldn’t you want something fluffy and cute walking around your home? Just observing their day-to-day routine is enough to fill your heart.

9. Their purring is beneficial to humans
There has actually been some research showing that the sound frequency at which a cat purrs can have potentially healing health benefits for you. Whether or not this is proven, any cat owner knows that the sound of that purr often helps their feelings of stress and anxiety melt away.

10. They have good bathroom habits
In general, cats keep themselves meticulously clean, and always use the littler box, or even the neighbor’s yard, to do their toilet business.

11. They make great alarm clocks
Any morning that you think you should sleep in, your cat will let you know that this wrong, and that it is in fact time to get up and make them their breakfast. You may as well just get to it, as fighting it is futile.

12. They don’t need much looking after
Cats are very independent and self-sufficient, and therefore require much less work from you than many other pets. Provide for their basic needs, give them a bit of attention, and they will be perfectly happy. Don’t worry, they’ll let you know if they need something.

13. They keep unwanted rodents away
Sometimes the very presence of a cat is enough to scare away the rodents, but for those who don’t get the hint, your kitty will soon show them who’s boss.

14. They teach you a lot
You can learn a lot from your cat about how to approach life, but probably the best thing you can learn is that if all else fails, just find a sunny spot, stretch out, and bask.

totoo yan pusa namin nag ronda sa kisame at pinapatay niya ahas sa paligid kasi madamo pa lugar namin maraming vacant space
Thank you for sharing!


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