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Closed ρáíd vpn for free open for all

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Hindi makapagonline update servers. Need active connections daw. May net naman ako. Kaloka. I don't how to make this app work on my device. :(
bakit cla meron?...
Eto kasi sa instruction mo bro pag click ng generate voucher dapat lalabas yung pipili ako ng ρrémíùm voucher tama?

After ng successful creation of account, balik kayo sa 3 line sa bandang kaliwa, tap nyo uli yan, then tap Generate Voucher... And piliin ang ρrémíùm voucher... Tapos may makikita kayong kulay berde (green) na button, may pangalan na Generate, tap nyo lang yan... After makapag generate, yung kulay dilaw naman ang e tap, copy and paste code to top up ang nakalagay...
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