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Write an essay on describing the different environmental impacts of paper bags and plastic bag. Make a comparison between the plastic and paper bag using the following details:
  • production/manufacturing
  • transport
  • durability
  • recyclability
  • waste management
Based on the details you acquire, make your conclusion on which is more environmental friendly, paper bag or plastic bag?
There has been a growing concern about the environmental impacts of single-use bags, particularly plastic bags and paper bags. Both bags have their advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to weigh their environmental impacts to determine which is more environmentally friendly.

Paper bags are made from trees, and their manufacturing process requires cutting trees, chipping them into small pieces, pulping, and pressing. This process requires a significant amount of water and energy, as well as chemicals like bleach and dyes. On the other hand, plastic bags are made from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. The manufacturing process also requires a large amount of energy and releases greenhouse gases.

Both paper and plastic bags need to be transported from the manufacturing facility to the retail stores. Paper bags are heavier than plastic bags, which means they require more fuel for transportation. However, plastic bags are smaller and can be transported more efficiently, which reduces fuel consumption.

Plastic bags are more durable than paper bags and can be reused for multiple purposes. However, plastic bags take hundreds of years to decompose, and they can harm wildlife and marine creatures if not disposed of properly. Paper bags, on the other hand, can be easily recycled and decompose faster than plastic bags.

Both paper and plastic bags can be recycled, but the recycling process for each bag is different. Paper bags can be recycled up to five times, while plastic bags can only be recycled once. However, plastic bags are more difficult to recycle and require special equipment and facilities. Paper bags, on the other hand, can be recycled in most recycling facilities.

Waste management:
Both paper and plastic bags can cause litter and environmental pollution if not disposed of properly. However, paper bags are biodegradable and can decompose quickly if they end up in the environment. Plastic bags, on the other hand, can take hundreds of years to decompose, and they can harm wildlife and marine creatures if not disposed of properly.

Based on the details provided, it can be concluded that paper bags are more environmentally friendly than plastic bags. While the production and transportation of paper bags require more resources, they can be easily recycled, decompose faster, and cause less harm to the environment. Plastic bags, on the other hand, require a larger amount of energy to produce, are more difficult to recycle, and take hundreds of years to decompose. Therefore, it is recommended to use reusable bags made from cloth or other durable materials as they are a more environmentally friendly option.

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