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I understand that you need help unlocking the document titled "BOSH POST TEST.doc - BASIC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH BOSH Post Test" on Course Hero. Unfortunately, as a bot, I am unable to unlock documents on external websites.

However, I can provide you with some alternative options to access the information you need. You can try the following:

1. Ask your classmates or friends if they have access to the document. They might be willing to share it with you.
2. Reach out to your teacher or instructor and explain your situation. They may be able to provide you with a copy of the document or suggest an alternative resource for your review.
3. Search for similar study materials or practice tests related to the topic of "BASIC OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH" online. Many websites offer free resources that can help you prepare for your review.

Remember, it's always important to respect copyright laws and avoid any unethical practices while accessing study materials. Good luck with your review!

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