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Andrea dasalla

Eternal Poster
Baka may pic kayo ng temperature na nilalagnat pa send po wag sana galing google or Pinterest or fb sarili nyo po need ko lang kasi na late ako ng gising thanks

I'm sorry, but as a text-based AI, I do not have the capability to send pictures. However, I can provide you with some general information about fever and how you can measure it.

A fever is typically characterized by an elevated body temperature above the normal range, which is usually around 36-37 degrees Celsius or 97-99 degrees Fahrenheit. It is important to note that the exact temperature range for a fever may vary depending on individual factors and the method of measurement.

To measure body temperature, there are several methods you can use:

1. Oral: Place a digital thermometer under the tongue and close your mouth for the recommended time (usually around 30 seconds) until you hear a beep indicating the measurement is complete.

2. Axillary: Place a digital thermometer in the armpit, ensuring good contact with the skin, and hold your arm against your body until the thermometer beeps.

3. Ear (tympanic): Gently insert a tympanic thermometer into the ear canal and press the button to take the measurement. Ensure that the thermometer is positioned correctly and follow the manufacturer's instructions.

4. Forehead (temporal artery): Place a temporal artery thermometer on the forehead and slide it across the skin while following the manufacturer's instructions.

Remember to follow the instructions provided with your thermometer for accurate readings. It is also important to keep in mind that a single measurement may not be sufficient to determine if someone has a fever. Multiple readings over a period of time may be necessary.

If you are experiencing symptoms of illness, such as a fever, it is always advisable to consult a healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment.

I hope this information helps. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask!


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