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Closed New Cryptocurrency

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May 8, 2020
krcoin has strong technology, good promotion and promising prospects, You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. register now.

Frequently Asked Questions
Disclaimer # 1: Kr currently belongs to the ALPHA version.
Kr System currently handles the ALPHA version, but we promise that the reasonable operating data will exist throughout the entire operation period of the project, which means that there may be some vulnerabilities. Submit these vulnerabilities and you will get the corresponding rewards from the developer reward.
Disclaimer # 2: Kr is not the legal tender of any country.
Kr is not the fiat currency of any country. The Kr core team is only responsible for the Kr cube project itself. The value of Kr depends on each participant.
What is Kr?
Kr is a brand new mobile trusted cryptocurrency designed for ordinary people. It can now be obtained through mobile phones and in the future can be obtained through any online device, but only real biological people can be identified and applied to this cryptocurrency.
What is Kr system
The Kr system is an Internet network carrying Kr's mobile trusted cryptocurrency. It can be used to carry any type of data.
Is this real? Is Kr a scam?
Kr is not a scam. The Kr project was born out of the well-known British Gaia project, which is different from the Gaia project and is committed to developing into a universal trusted cryptocurrency that can benefit all humankind.
How does this project work? How do I get more Kr?
This project is currently in its first phase. At present, as long as you make a simple choice, you can get Kr. After you build your own sub-cubes to truly integrate into the Kr community, you will have more capabilities and opportunities to gain Kr.
Does the Kr application need to be always in the background of my phone?
Kr is a universal program that periodically starts mining and keeps the cube healthy without having to run it all the time.
What is the role of the prophet? What kind of return did you get?
Leader expand two, eight, eighteen, and eight members into your stat-topology , and you will become a junior, intermediate, advanced preacher and prophet, so that you can be in second stages in the future Have a chance to get more Kr
What is Kr star-topology
Kr star-topology is a trusted computing structure established by each Kr member. The establishment of Kr star-topology greatly reduces the communication cost of digital currency transactions and greatly improves the credibility between transactions , So as to obtain better security, higher transaction speed and a better trading environment.
What is the value of Kr?
Today Kr's cash value is about 0 EUROs, and you are now in a new world as you are taking the first step as you are in the era of great sailing.
Can I take out my Kr? When is the wí†hdráwal time?
No, Kr cannot be taken out yet. When Kr enters the second stage, internal transfers can be performed. When entering the third stage, you can even issue any meaningful contract tokens in the Kr star-topology.
When will Kr be valuable? When can I turn Kr into "real money"?
The social value of Kr is continuously increasing exponentially because there are many Kr members joining it. Its cash value has different trade-offs in the hearts of different Kr members. From the second stage, you will have the opportunity to put Kr Trade with fiat currencies.
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