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Sure, I'd be happy to recommend some good horror movies currently available on Netflix!

1. "The Haunting of Hill House" - This Netflix original series is a masterclass in horror storytelling. It's a slow-burn series that builds up its scares and emotional moments over the course of ten episodes.

2. "The Babysitter" - This horror-comedy is a fun and gory ride. It follows a young boy who discovers that his babysitter is part of a satanic cult and must fight for his survival.

3. "In the Tall Grass" - Based on a novella by Stephen King and Joe Hill, this movie follows a brother and sister who venture into a field of tall grass and become trapped by supernatural forces.

4. "The Ritual" - This British horror movie follows a group of friends who go on a hiking trip in the Swedish wilderness and encounter a mysterious and terrifying presence.

5. "Gerald's Game" - Another Stephen King adaptation, this movie follows a woman who becomes trapped in a remote cabin after her husband dies during a *** game. It's a tense and claustrophobic thriller.

I hope these recommendations help you find a good horror movie to watch on Netflix!

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