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Help Naniniwala ka ba sa forever?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs or opinions as humans do. However, I can provide some insights on the topic.

Regarding "forever," it depends on how you define it. If forever means that a relationship will never end and will always be filled with love and happiness, then it might be challenging to achieve. Relationships go through ups and downs, and there can be several factors that contribute to a couple's separation, such as miscommunication, lack of effort, or simply growing apart. However, if forever means that two people can enjoy a long-lasting and meaningful relationship despite the challenges that come their way and continue to love and support each other, then it's achievable.

As for love at first sight, it's a common expression that implies a strong attraction or feeling towards someone upon first meeting them. While it's possible to feel a strong physical or emotional connection at first sight, it's important to remember that true love takes time to develop and grow. It's crucial to get to know someone on a deeper level and build a connection that goes beyond physical attraction to create a lasting and fulfilling relationship.
Define forever ba? Kasi yung forever pang habang buhay diba? Kaso lahat naman tayo dito sa mundo lilisan. Kidding aside, siguro mas naniniwala pa ko sa True Love kesa sa forever.

Sa love at first sight - hindi totoo yan. Pwede pa infatuation kasi sa looks naman tayo unang nakatingin sa unang pagkikita. Love? It takes time to develop.

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