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Delicious Marshmallow Recipes that No Marshmallow Lovers Should Miss :)

:love:make any snack or dessert a party, so here are 20 marshmallow recipes that will make anytime fun time. Some are so delightfully easy, you’ll wonder why you didn’t think of it already. Some are so simple, you’ll want to do them before the day is done. Some are so elegant or out-there, you’ll be eager to impress your family or friends at your next get together. Just remember, any time can be marshmallow time.

1. Funfetti Marshmallow Treats

Homemade and full of fun, these sweet bits of confection have sprinkles inside and out.

2. Funefetti Sugar cøøkíés

With just a little extra marshmallow fluff in the house, you can stuff it between any two cøøkíés and have yourself a birthday party treat. With a dash of something extra, you can show off you creative side. This recipe can be taken and changed around any way you want.

3. Rocky Road cøøkíé Bar

With marshmallow cream, these bars stick with all the good, sweet and nutty stuff.

4. Lucky Charms Rainbow Sandwich cøøkíés

Delight the children, or the child in you, and whip up some rainbow charmed treats. The cereal tastes good even without them, so you won’t be wasting the box.

5. cøøkíés and Cream Brownies

This is a familiar favorite cøøkíé with a seriously decadent dessert wrapped around it. Be prepared for a sugar high.

6. Strawberry and S’mores Tart

Elegant and simple, this desert will look like hard work, but it is just as simple as can be. Great for a summer indulgence.

7. Sweet Potato Fries

It’s me putting this together, so you know sweet potato something is coming at you. It was either this or the double baked sweet potato halves. And after my experience with sweet and spicy sweet potato fries, this one got the best of me.

8. Toasted Marshmallow Shot Glasses

So adorable, I’d do this at a mixer in a heartbeat. How fun. With some of your favorite chocolate or coffee liqueur, this would be an unconquerable conversation starter.

9. Toasted Marshmallow Golden Graham S’mores Bars

Could you imagine getting this stack of awesome served to you. Your mouth would fall open and water. This is definitely a good way to spoil some guests and serve up a taste of home.

10. Maple Bacon S’mores

So this has to be a thing. Bacon. Have you heard about it? Bacon everything? At first I wasn’t sure, but then I thought wouldn’t this be fun to get people talking. And if they liked it, wouldn’t that be a fun surprise. So with those thoughts, I think this would be a sure-fire way to get a social get together going.

11. Mallow – Dongs!

Take me back to childhood! Who doesn’t remember and love these bites of wonderful. It is so indulgent, you will feel like you are spoiling yourself.

12. Twisty Peeps Pops

Cute and simple and fun is the way to go, so turn your marshmallows into pops. Start with this simple twist on Peeps.

13. Marsmallow Paninis

It is ooey-gooey goodness, so you have to go there. Stick a couple of triangles in some cold ice cream and voila! Perfection.

14. Pina Colada Marshmallow Fruit Dip

At first I wasn’t so sure, because I thought this was ice cream, but then I realized it was a fruit dip, and a fantastique one too. Ooh-la-la!

16. S’more Sleazy cøøkíés

Apparently easy is sleazy, so way to go and get bad. This would be fun with some young ones who’d enjoy playing with their food before they eat it.

17. Parks & Recreation S’more Waffle

Love the show or not, I love this waffle. Desert me please!

18. Fluffernutter Brownie Cupcakes Swirl

Peanut butter, marshmallows and chocolate where born to be together, weren’t they?

19. S’mores Ice-cream Pie

This dish could set you you apart from other hosts and hostesses. What a memorable dish. It would be delicious no matter what, but with a little extra care, and it would be oohed and ahhed over in memory.

20. Marshmallows for Marshmallow Lovers

If you get a hankering to go all the way homemade, here is a simple recipe to get you going. You can customize and experiment with it. Then, you can start getting more adventuresome. There are some really unique twists on just the marshmallow itself.


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