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Bin method, also known as binary multiplication, is a method for multiplying two binary numbers together. Here are the steps for using the bin method:

1. Write the two binary numbers you want to multiply next to each other, lining up the ones digit (the rightmost digit) of each number.

2. Starting with the rightmost digit of the second number, multiply it by each digit of the first number, one at a time, and write the results underneath. For example, if you were multiplying 1011 and 1101, you would start by multiplying the 1 in the second number by each digit of the first number, in order:

   1 0 1 1
 x 1 1 0 1
   1 0 1 1  (multiply 1 by 1)
     0 0    (multiply 1 by 0)
   1 0 1 1  (multiply 1 by 1)
 1 0 1 1     (multiply 1 by 1 and add a trailing 0)
 1 1 1 1 1 1 (the final result)

3. Add up all of the results you wrote underneath, taking care to line up the digits correctly. If you end up with a binary number that has more digits than the original two numbers, you will need to add a trailing 0 to the final answer.

4. The result is your final answer.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.