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Help How to create a poll thread ?

Creating a poll thread is a great way to spark engagement and gather opinions from your community. Here's how you can create a poll thread on most forums:

1. Click on the "New Thread" button located in the forum section where you want to create the poll.

2. In the post editor, type in the title of your poll thread. Make sure it's clear and concise so that users can easily understand the topic of your poll.

3. Below the title, you'll see an option to add a poll. Click on it.

4. In the poll creation page, type in the question you want to ask in the "Poll Question" field.

5. In the "Poll Options" section, add the different options that users can choose from. You can add up to 10 different options.

6. Decide how many options users can select in the "Number of Options" section. You can choose between 1 and 10.

7. Set the poll duration in the "Length of Time to Run Poll" section. You can choose between a few minutes to several weeks.

8. Add any additional options or settings you want for your poll, such as allowing users to change their vote or seeing the results before voting.

9. Click on the "Preview" button to see how your poll thread will look like.

10. Once you're satisfied with your poll thread, click on the "Submit" button to publish it.

Congratulations! You've just created a poll thread on your forum.

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