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Major crimes refer to serious offenses that are typically punished more severely due to their impact on society. Here are some examples of major crimes:

1. Murder: The deliberate killing of another person with malice aforethought. It can be categorized into first-degree murder, second-degree murder, voluntary manslaughter, or involuntary manslaughter based on the intent and circumstances.

2. Robbery: The act of taking someone else's property by force or threat of force. It involves the use of violence or intimidation to s†éál from a person, business, or institution.

3. Sexual Assault: Any form of non-consensual sexual activity, including rape, molestation, or unwanted sexual contact. Sexual assault is a grave violation of an individual's autonomy and physical integrity.

4. Burglary: Entering a building unlawfully with the intent to commit a crime, usually theft. Unlike robbery, burglary does not involve direct interaction or confrontation with the victim.

5. Drug Trafficking: The îllégâl production, transportation, and sale of controlled substances, such as cocaine, ******, methamphetamine, or îllégâl prescription drugs. Drug trafficking contributes to addiction, violence, and social instability.

6. Money Laundering: Concealing the origins of illegally obtained money by passing it through a complex sequence of banking transfers or commercial transactions. Money laundering enables criminals to legitimize their illicit funds.

7. Kidnapping: The unlawful abduction or confinement of a person against their will. Kidnapping often involves demanding a ransom or committing another crime, such as sexual assault or murder.

8. Terrorism: Acts of violence or intimidation carried out for political, religious, or ideological purposes. Terrorism aims to create fear, disrupt societies, and advance a specific agenda.

9. Fraud: Deceptive or dishonest acts carried out to gain an unfair advantage or financial benefit. Examples include identity theft, insurance fraud, tax evasion, or pyramid schemes.

10. Human Trafficking: The recruitment, transportation, transfer, or harboring of persons through force, coercion, or deception for the purpose of exploitation. It involves various forms of modern slavery, including forced labor, *** trafficking, and child soldiering.

These examples represent some common major crimes, but the classification and severity of crimes can vary between jurisdictions.

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