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Number 21

Eternal Poster
Make Three solved problems each using

1. Simple Interest
2. Compound Interest
3. Credit Cards
4. Consumer Loans
5. Stocks
6. Bonds
7. Mutual Funds
8. Treasury Bills
Sure! Here are three solved problems for each of the financial topics you mentioned:

1. Simple Interest:
Problem 1:
A person deposits $5,000 in a savings account that pays a simple interest rate of 4% per year. Calculate the interest earned after 3 years.
The formula for simple interest is: Interest = Principal × Rate × Time.
Substituting the given values: Interest = $5,000 × 0.04 × 3 = $600.
Therefore, the interest earned after 3 years is $600.

Problem 2:
A loan of $8,000 is taken at an annual interest rate of 6%. Calculate the total amount to be ρáíd back after 2 years.
Using the simple interest formula: Total amount = Principal + Interest.
Substituting the given values: Total amount = $8,000 + ($8,000 × 0.06 × 2) = $8,960.
Therefore, the total amount to be ρáíd back after 2 years is $8,960.

Problem 3:
A person invests $3,500 in a fixed deposit account that offers a simple interest rate of 3.5% per year. How long will it take for the investment to grow to $4,000?
Using the simple interest formula: Time = (Final amount - Principal) / (Principal × Rate).
Substituting the given values: Time = ($4,000 - $3,500) / ($3,500 × 0.035) = 5.714 years (approximately).
Therefore, it will take approximately 5.714 years for the investment to grow to $4,000.

2. Compound Interest:
Problem 1:
A person invests $10,000 in a fixed deposit account that pays a compound interest rate of 5% per year. Calculate the total amount after 5 years.
The formula for compound interest is: Total amount = Principal × (1 + Rate/100)^Time.
Substituting the given values: Total amount = $10,000 × (1 + 0.05)^5 = $12,763.28 (approximately).
Therefore, the total amount after 5 years will be approximately $12,763.28.

Problem 2:
A loan of $15,000 is taken at an annual compound interest rate of 8%. Calculate the total amount to be ρáíd back after 3 years.
Using the compound interest formula: Total amount = Principal × (1 + Rate/100)^Time.
Substituting the given values: Total amount = $15,000 × (1 + 0.08)^3 = $19,108.80 (approximately).
Therefore, the total amount to be ρáíd back after 3 years will be approximately $19,108.80.

Problem 3:
A person invests $6,000 in a mutual fund that offers a compound interest rate of 7% per year. How long will it take for the investment to double?
Using the compound interest formula: Time = log(Base) (Final amount / Principal) / Rate.
Substituting the given values: Time = log(Base) (2) / 0.07 = 10.24 years (approximately).
Therefore, it will take approximately 10.24 years for the investment to double.

3. Credit Cards:
Problem 1:
A person has a credit card with an outstanding balance of $3,500 and an annual interest rate of 18%. Calculate the interest charged after one month.
The formula for calculating credit card interest is: Interest = (Principal × Rate × (Days in the month / Days in the year)).
Substituting the given values: Interest = ($3,500 × 0.18 × (30 / 365)) = $43.84 (approximately).
Therefore, the interest charged after one month will be approximately $43.84.

Problem 2:
A credit card has a billing cycle of 30 days and an outstanding balance of $2,000. The annual interest rate is 24%. Calculate the interest charged for the billing cycle.
Using the credit card interest formula: Interest = (Principal × Rate × (Days in the billing cycle / Days in the year)).
Substituting the given values: Interest = ($2,000 × 0.24 × (30 / 365)) = $39.45 (approximately).
Therefore, the interest charged for the billing cycle will be approximately $39.45.

Problem 3:
A person has a credit card with an outstanding balance of $5,000 and an annual interest rate of 15%. If the minimum payment is $200 per month, calculate how long it will take to pay off the credit card debt.
To calculate the number of months required to pay off the debt, we need to use a financial calculator or spreadsheet. Using the PMT (payment), PV (present value), and Rate functions, we can solve for the N (number of periods). In this case, N ≈ 34 months.
Therefore, it will take approximately 34 months to pay off the credit card debt with a minimum monthly payment of $200.

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