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Weight = mg

Where m is the mass of body and g is acceleration due to gravity which is 9.8 m/s2. So

8 = m(9.8)

And m = 8/9.8 = 0.816 kg

Now Force = ma where a is acceleration of body.


20 = (0.816)a

Implies a = 20/0.816 = 24.5 m/s2

Free body diagram is shown in the file uploaded.


Here is the corrected code


#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int main()

int centimeters; //variable to store centimeters total
float inches;
float yards;
float feet;
float decimal;

cout << "Enter total centimeters and press enter "; //prompts user to enter total centimeters

cin >> centimeters; //stores value entered by user

cout <<endl<< centimeters << " centimeters = "; //output the value of centimeters and the equal sign

inches = (centimeters * (0.3937));
inches = ceil(inches);
cout << inches << " inches " <<endl; //output inches

cout<<inches << " inches is: " ;
yards = inches / 36;
decimal= yards-long(yards); // get the decimal part which is later converted to feet
cout << yards-decimal << " yard(s) ";//output yards

feet = (decimal * 3);
decimal= feet-long(feet); // get the decimal part which is later converted to inches
cout << feet-decimal << " feet (foot) "; //output feet

inches=(decimal * 12);
cout << inches << " inch (es) " <<endl<<endl; //output inches

return 0;





8a. The chairman on the board of XYZ Automobile company is in favour of buying Ace Rubber Company and i support his argument. The reason for which is if XYZ company buys Ace Rubber Company then it can make its own tires and will not have to bear the cost from outside to purchase the tires. Currently XYZ company is not making its own tires but is purchasing it from outside due to which its car prices are also high. These car prices are high because XYZ company has to cover up the cost of tires purchased from outside.

However, if ot makes it own tires, the comapny will be in a position to sell its cars at a somewhat lower price and eventually seeing the low price sales will increase and so will the clients. In the market the stocks of the same company will increase. Seeing the company's earnings people would want to invest more in the company. Thus, we can safely say buying Ace rubber company will be a good decision and increase the earnings of XYZ company in the long run.

8b. According to the argument mentioned above, its safe to say that the client was not guilty. The client of the defense attorney was not present at the scene of the crime. As mentioned ge was out of town. A witness has identified the client to be out of town and is not mistaken. Moreover, the Persecution attorney is not able to prove thag the witness is wrong . Thus, to some up , the client was not present at the crime scene but was out of town. The witness also agrees that the client was out of town. Hence, we can say that the client is not guilty.