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Floxif.h (a trojan virus)


Nov 16, 2016
Hindi ka ba makapag install ng any anti-virus ?? like Avast, SmadAv or etc.
May problema kaba pagdating saala??
mga exe files ? hindi nagla-launch more nag error
Kahit ilang reformat/reprogram mo di parin nawawala
Share ko lang sa inyo to.

Virus:Win32/Floxif.H is a nasty computer virus detected as Trojan. It is a troublesome threat that can do major harm to the infected computer. This harmful and malicious PC virus normally get into the the infected PC silently keep doing the damage work continuously. It open backdoor for many other threats that can make your system completely useless. This notorious threat enter your computer system without permission, corrupt entire files system, infect the registry editor, block important system program and also disable your anti-virus application. This perilous Virus:Win32/Floxif.H virus has been designed by häçkers for making îllégâl profit by luring innocent PC users. This dubious Trojan virus can start several malevolent and harmful process in your system background that will consume extra system resources and slow down your computer speed. Virus:Win32/Floxif.H will completely degrade your PC performance and also delete your important files and software.


Virus:Win32/Floxif.H mainly get inside the victimized computer through bundled freeware programs. It can also propagate through infected or contaminated USB drives. It can also get downloaded to your system silently through drive by download websites. It can also get spread through spam email attachments and malicious or ****ographic websites. After getting inside the targeted computer, this cunning Trojan virus will also bring several other threats and spyware on the infected PC. Virus:Win32/Floxif.H is a serious threat for your privacy. It can s†éál your personal and sensitive data including your financial details, online banking information,m credit card number, login credentials, passwords, IP address and many more. Virus:Win32/Floxif.H virus can send all your crucial information to häçkers for making îllégâl profit. It can also allow cyber criminals to remotely access your computer without your knowledge. It is a serious threat for your system security and privacy. You must remove Virus:Win32/Floxif.H virus from your computer as early as possible.

Solution : Need nyo iupdate yung microsoft depender dyan sa pc nyo or pag wala kayo nyo download nyo lang sa microsoft. "Microsoft Essential" then update virus definition pagkatapos nyo gawin Yan. Yun na yon "Problem Solved" na Sana nakatulong po sa inyo to