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Help Facebook häçked

Recovering a häçked Facebook account can be a stressful experience, but there are steps you can take to regain control. Here's a detailed guide on what you can do:

1. Reset Your Password: If you can still access your email associated with your Facebook account, go to the login page and click on "Forgot Password." Follow the instructions to reset your password. Make sure to choose a strong, unique password that is not used for any other accounts.

2. Secure Your Email Account: It's crucial to ensure that your email account is secure since it is often the gateway to accessing your Facebook account. Change your email password, enable two-factor authentication if available, and review any suspicious activity or forwarding rules.

3. Check for Unauthorized Changes: After regaining access to your Facebook account, review your account settings. Pay attention to any changes made to your email, phone number, recovery options, security settings, or connected apps. Update them if needed.

4. Scan Your Device for Malware: Run a comprehensive antivirus and anti-malware scan on your devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. This will help identify and remove any potential malware that could have led to the häçking.

5. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Two-factor authentication adds an extra layer of security to your Facebook account. Once activated, you'll need to verify your identity using a code sent to your phone whenever you log in from an unrecognized device.

6. Contact Facebook Support: If you're unable to recover your häçked account using the above steps, you can report the issue directly to Facebook. Visit the Facebook Help Center and select the "Report Compromised Account" option. Provide all the necessary information, including any evidence of unauthorized access.

7. Monitor Your Account: Keep a close eye on your account for any suspicious activity, such as unrecognized logins, friend requests, or messages. If you notice anything unusual, change your password and report it to Facebook immediately.

Remember, prevention is key. Protect your Facebook account by regularly updating your password, using strong and unique passwords, being cautious of phishing attempts, and keeping your devices secure.

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