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Solar radiation contributes to the heating of the atmosphere through a process known as the greenhouse effect. Here's how it works:

1. Solar radiation: The Sun emits a wide spectrum of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. When this solar radiation reaches the Earth's atmosphere, some of it is absorbed by the gases in the atmosphere, such as water vapor, carbon dioxide, and methane.

2. Absorption and re-radiation: The absorbed solar radiation warms the gases in the atmosphere, causing them to vibrate and move more energetically. This increased energy is then re-radiated in the form of infrared radiation.

3. Greenhouse effect: Some of this re-radiated energy is directed back towards the Earth's surface, where it contributes to the overall warming of the planet. This process of trapping heat in the Earth's atmosphere is known as the greenhouse effect.

4. Temperature regulation: The greenhouse effect is essential for maintaining a habitable climate on Earth. Without it, the Earth's surface would be much colder, making it difficult for life to exist.

In summary, solar radiation is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere, leading to the warming of the gases through the greenhouse effect. This process helps regulate the Earth's temperature and makes the planet suitable for sustaining life.