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Help Electric fan

Yes, there is a difference in the electricity consumption of an electric fan depending on the speed setting.

Generally, the higher the speed setting, the more electricity the fan consumes. This is because the motor has to work harder to spin the blades faster, and this requires more energy.

To give you an idea, here are some estimates of the electricity consumption of electric fans based on their speed settings:

  • Low speed: around 20-30 watts
  • Medium speed: around 30-50 watts
  • High speed: around 50-100 watts

However, it's important to note that the actual electricity consumption of an electric fan will depend on several factors, such as its size, age, and efficiency.

So, if you want to save on electricity, it's a good idea to use the lowest speed setting that is comfortable for you, and to turn off the fan when you leave the room.

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