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Forum Veteran
May 28, 2020
Crystals have a long tradition of being used for crystal healing. Each variety of crystal has a unique internal structure, which causes it to resonate at a certain frequency. It is this resonance that is said to give crystals their healing abilities. Applying this resonance in a coherent way can help to restore healthy balance energy to our system, and stimulate the body's natural healing energy.

Crystal therapy is a gentle and effective form of alternative healing that works holistically to harmonize the mind, body, emotions and spirit, helping to increase our well-being.

Chakras are subtle, dynamic energy vortexes. Chakra is the Sanskrit word for wheel or disc, indicating both the shape and dynamic nature of these subtle vortexes, energy comes in and out through Chakras to reach and connect to the physical part of the body. Clairvoyants are able to see the chakras as a wheel of energy continuously revolving and rotating. Chakras are colourful wheels or flowers with a hub in the centre.

CLEAR QUARTZ – This is the most readily available and commonly used crystal in the world.
It’s a versatile crystal with many uses. It attunes itself based on your energy needs, and raises your energy to the highest possible level.
Ancient cultures used clear quartz for healing and it is still is the most frequently used crystal today. It is found in modern devices like computers, televisions, and phones. Quartz amplifies energy and is used because it absorbs, stores, releases, and regulates energy.

ROSE QUARTZ – This crystal is the stone of unconditional love. It’s a heart based stone and promotes deep love of yourself and others.
It provides a calming, restful, peaceful energy that restores calm, balance, and clarity to your emotions. This stone can be used to heal emotional wounds and can open your heart to all types of love - love of self, love of family, love of friends, romantic love.
Because it is a type of quartz, Rose Quartz does have a high energy, but it’s also calming and soothing.

SMOKY QUARTZ - Considered to be a protective stone that eliminates negative energy. It provides a barrier of protective energy around you, eliminating emotional and environmental stress.
It grounds you and helps to anchor you and raise your vibration during meditation.
It brings in positive vibrations and teaches you how to leave behind anything doesn’t serve you.

AMETHYST - Has strong healing powers and enhances spiritual awareness. Amethyst also has great cleansing powers, it blocks negativity, and promotes serenity.
Amethyst is extremely beneficial to the mind and it will calm or stimulate your mind as needed to help you focus.
It is a powerful and protective stone with a high spiritual vibration. During meditation it helps to release your mind from your everyday tasks so you can deepen into your practice. As a spiritual stone it can help you to develop your divinely inspired wisdom, intuition, and psychic gifts.

CITRINE – Known as the stone of abundance, citrine attracts wealth, abundance, and overall good luck. The energy of citrine is happy and abundant, it encourages sharing while helping you to hold onto the wealth you’ve already generated.
Because citrine is a stone of happiness and joy, it will help you to overcome fears & depression by opening you to new experiences that draw out confidence and your inherent wisdom.

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