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Closed Cowdollars bot using Windows 10 Ubuntu Subsystem

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Honorary Poster
Jan 28, 2017
Good day! First time ko mag post ng tutorial dito and hopefully, hindi ito duplicate na post. Maraming mga tutorials on how to farm on Cowdollars using Termux but today, I'm gonna show you on how to use the Cowdollar.py on your Windows 10 computer desktop. Please follow the steps below.

1. Go to Start menu and then type "Settings".
2. In settings, scroll down and find the Update and Security.
3. Click on For Developers and then at the right side pane, select Developer mode.
4. If it will ask you to restart your computer, do a restart.
5. After that, go to Start menu and search for Control Panel and then click Programs > Programs and Features > Turn Windows features on or off.
6. Once you clicked the Turn Windows features on or off menu, there should be another window that is going to pop up.
7. Scroll down and find Windows subsystem for Linux.
8. Make sure that the checkbox is checked and then click OK and then restart your computer.
9. Once the computer is completely rebooted, go to your Start menu and then search for bash.
10. Once you opened your bash, type apt-get update and hit enter.
11. After that, type: apt-get upgrade and hit enter.
12. Once the update and upgrade is done, check if there is already a python installed. To check, type python --version
13. The command will allow you to check the version of your python that was installed.
14. If there's no python installed, you should install python version 2.7. To do that, type sudo apt install python2.7 python-pip and then hit enter.
15. If you have python version 3, uninstall it by typing the following:

To remove the repo, type:
sudo add-apt-repository --remove ppa:fkrull/deadsnakes

To refresh the apt cache, type:
sudo apt-get update

then remove the package by typing:
sudo apt-get remove --purge python3

16. Now check the version of your python and make sure that it shows python2.7
17. Now install pip package named requests. To do that, type: pip install requests and hit enter.
18. Install pip package named bs4. To do that, type: pip install bs4 and hit enter.
19. Now download the cowdollar via this thread https://phcorner.net/threads/732791/page-5#post-12678463
20. If you can't download it because you're not a Established Member just like me, you can still download it via google. just search for it.
21. Once you downloaded the Cowdollar, unzip it using winrar. If you don't have winrar, you can also download it by searching on google.
22. Once you extracted the file, there should be a python file named cowdollar.py. NOTE: make sure that this file in the outside of the subfolder. Example: Downloads/cowdollar.py.
23. Go back to your bash and type: cd /mnt/c/Users/YOUR-COMPUTER-NAME/Downloads. example: cd /mnt/c/Users/JuanDelaCruz/Downloads.
24. Your cowdollar.py is located at Downloads folder. Now, let's move it to the root directory.
25. Before that, let's move to the root directory by typing: cd and hit enter.
26. Once you're on your root directory, create a directory by typing: sudo mkdir NAME-OF-DIRECTORY. example: sudo mkdir btcminer
27. This will allow you to create a folder on your root directory. After that, move the cowdollar.py which is stored at your Downloads folder. To move the cowdollar.py on your root directory, type: sudo cp -f /mnt/c/Users/NAME-OF-YOUR-COMPUTER/Downloads/cowdollar.py btcminer
28. After that, type: cd To go back to your root directory. In your root directory, type: ls (small letter L and S). This will show you the directory that you just created. in my example I named the directory btcminer. Now type: cd btcminer And hit enter.
29. type: ls Again to check if the cowdollar.py Is already present.
30. after that, type: python cowdollar.py -u YOUREMAIL@DOMAIN.COM -p YOURPASSWORD -s 60 And hit enter.
Note: The -s value can be change. It's really up to you.

You can also download Ubuntu 16 via Windows app store and do the same steps. Hopefully this will help you earn more.


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how to transfer your earnings ?
you can transfer your earnings through coinbase. I wasn't able to include a screenshot for the proof of payment since I'm new to this app called CowDollars. May be once I can transfer the earnings, I will update the post.
anong new site ni cowdollar? ito kasi lumalabas sakin eh everytime pupunta ako sa new site nila..



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