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Closed Coolest new tech this 2018

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Jan 15, 2015
This Reverse Microwave Can Quick-Freeze Food And Drinks

Microwaves were a revolution in convenience for people looking to heat up their food in a hurry, but what about when you need something frozen quickly? There hasn't really been an answer to that question until now. In comes Frigondas, the most amazing home kitchen technology to be released in decades. It can cool and freeze food and drinks in mere minutes, and it even doubles as a traditional microwave. While there is no set release date, it is believed that the device will be available in the US in the near future.

The RED Smartphone Provides A Holographic Screen, Allowing You To View Videos From Multiple Angles

In 2017, the cinema camera making company RED announced it was working a smartphone with a "holographic screen." Consumers were unsure what this meant until September 2017. Essentially, the phone would provide a 3D viewing experience on screen, projecting things like buildings and landscapes in an interactive map. A user could essentially take a virtual tour via the phone screen, looking around, above, behind, or in-between various objects.

The RED smart phone is currently available for pre-order, for the fairly hefty price tag of $1,195. No official release date has been announced, but the company says users can expect to see the product sometime in early 2018.

A Wristband That Can Tell You If You're Too Drunk To Drive

No one should ever drive drunk, but it can be difficult to monitor your blood ******* content levels without taking a breathalyzer test. While there are some small breathalyzers ar on the market, they can be clumsy and awkward to use in public. Proof is a unique and elegant solution to this problem, as it's a wearable wristband that can discretely analyze you BAC levels through your skin. The makers of Proof managed to earn nearly twice what they were asking for after launching a successful crowdfunding campaign. The wristband is set to begin shipping at full production capacity in late 2017.

Smart Glasses Are Now Sleek, Stylish, And Easy To Wear Discreetly

Smart glasses are far from a new invention. The glasses, which project information onto your retina as you go about your day, once came with clunky equipment attached. Cameras, extra appendages, and microphones made the glasses a bit of an eyesore that easily led to unwanted attention directed at their wearers. Intel's new Vaunt glasses, however, offer a streamline design that's vastly more user friendly. The glasses look exactly like regular eyeglasses and are available in various prescription lenses. This means users can enjoy the benefits of the glasses throughout the day without attracting unwanted stares or having to deal with uncomfortable equipment.

Amazon Go Stores Provide Consumers With Check Out Free Shopping For The First Time


On January 22, 2018, Amazon opened their first Amazon Go store in Seattle, Washington. The store - which one shopper called the "future of grocery shopping" - is equipped with censors and cameras that track which items customers take or put back. This, and the help of a special Amazon Go app, automatically charges customers after they exit the store. This eliminates the need for lines, making shopping a much quicker experience.

Nutale Is A Tiny GPS Tracker Will Keep You From Losing Your Most Precious Belongings


The Nutale GPS device is billed as one of the most compact and accurate trackers in the world. Originally slated for a 2017 release, an unexpected delay means the Nutale GPS is now likely to be released in the first quarter of 2018. The device is compatible with both Android and iOS and works in conjunction with your phone to give you real-time tracking updates. With a 30 day battery life and a memory that goes back up to four weeks, it's unlikely that you'll be losing this device anytime soon.

Kuri Is A Robotic Home Assistant That's Much Cuter Than Alexa


Last year saw an explosion of popularity for smart speakers that function as stay-at-home personal assistants. While it seems like very major tech company is pushing the capabilities of these devices even further, only one company is developing a smart assistant that is as adorable as it is useful. This is Kuri, a tiny robot that has all the function of Amazon's Alexa while having the added benefit of being fully mobile. Kuri rolls around on wheels and can adapt to the floor plan of your house. Her eyes function as cameras that can take both still photos and videos, and a built in speaker means your tunes can travel with you around the apartment.

Apple's Homepod Aims To Revolutionize Smart Speakers


The Homepod is Apple's latest attempt at changing the way we listen to music forever. These voice controlled smart speakers are the first to be fully integrated with Siri and Apple Music. The speaker hardware itself is cutting edge and uses special sensors to visualize the room it's in and adapt it's settings to emit the best acoustic experience possible. In addition to being a music station, the Homepod is also designed to be an artificial assistant that can answer questions, make schedules, and control other devices in your house.

The Plume Flow Is A Portable Pollution Monitor


For people living in big cities, smog and pollution are still a regular problem. Many people are concerned about pollution levels in their communities, and one new device is aiming to warn people when they are in an area with low air quality. This portable device is known as Flow, and it's small enough to fit in the palm of your hand. Powerful sensors monitor air quality, and Flow will let you know in an instant. Working in conjunction with your smart phone, Flow can show you what routes have the freshest air and which you should avoid. The device is set to ship sometime before June 2018.

The R-9 Smart Glasses Are Making AR sê×ÿ


The R-9 Smartglasses is a VR experience for the image conscious. It swaps out the bulky design of many VR headsets for a slick, smooth design that looks more like a pair of sunglasses than an Oculus headset. The glasses are perfect for AR as well as VR applications, and the visuals are among the highest quality on the market. The downside is the price tag. The preorder cost is a steep $1,999, far more expensive than the Oculus Go.

Facebook Hopes The New Oculus Go Will Take VR Into The Mainstream


Facebook is an absolute titan in the world of social media, but they are looking to expand their grasp in the world of VR. They're latest iteration of the Oculus VR system is known as the Oculus Go, and it is aiming to bring VR into every home in America. The $199 price tag is relative cheap for a high end VR display, which is one of the biggest selling points. The headset is set to be released in early 2018, and you can already sign up for a preorder on the official website.

Nintendo Labo Lets Kids Create Their Own 3D Creations Using Video Game Software


Meant to be used alongside Nintendo Switch system, Nintendo Labo comes equipped with modular sheets of cardboard. Kids are able to fold the cardboard into a variety of shapes, such as a piano or handlebars for a motorbike. Called "Toy-Cons," these constructions can be used with your game system to play interactive video games. For example, with the keyboard, you can play a piano on your screen. With the handle bars, you can navigate your own digital bike.

Hyperkin Is Creating An Enhanced Version Of The Original Nintendo Gameboy


Being released on a yet undisclosed date in 2018, the videogame company Hyperkin is bringing the Gameboy back. Perhaps due to the recent popularity of PokémonGo, Hyperkin is creating an enhanced version of the original Gameboy models for both a new generation of users and aging millennials looking for a little nostalgia.

The Gameboy is relatively similar to original models, but adds quite a few bonus features. The company is providing a dial to adjust backlight color, a USB connector to charge the device, and an enhanced stereo system for better sound.

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yun "oculus go" ng facebook limited lang pwede mo magawa unlike sa oculus rift and touch. 3dof lang din siya hindi 6dof, kaya waiting nalang ako sa oculus sta cruz stand alone din pero 6dof pa.
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