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x_AnOnYmOuS_x ito lods😊

Ans :-

-physical activities + balanced diet + weight management = lifelong fitness and wellness

physical activities : people who do some types of moderate or vigorous - intensity physical activity which helps to decrease risk of several types of cardiovascular disease than dp inactive people,

-Due to physical activities For an active adults have to maintain lower blood pressure, better blood lipid profiles and also reducing the risk of developing several diseases like type 2 diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular diseases

-physical activity and exercise can have immediate and long term health benefits, and regular activity can improve your quality of life

balanced diet : a healthy diet which help to maintain or improve overall health and also provide the body with essential nutrition, fluid , macronutrients, micronutrients and adequate food energy

-maintaining healthy diet is all about feeling great , boosting mood , good health and having more energy.

weight management : which is process of adopting long term lifestyle modification to maintain a healthy body weight

-This process is depent on ( age , *** and height ) , there are available with many types of weight management strategies

- maintaining a healthy weight is important for health . Which also helps to lowering risk of several types of diseases

good nutrition, physical activity and healthy body weight are essential part of a person's overall health and wellbeing
bryan_16 ito lods 😊


We are given

n = 5 questions

Each question has five possible choices.

So, probability of correct choice = p = 1/5 = 0.20

We have to find P(X=3)

Here, we have to use binomial distribution with n = 5, p = 0.20

P(X=x) = nCx*p^x*(1 – p)^(n – x)

P(X=3) = 5C3*0.20^3*(1 – 0.20)^(5 – 3)

P(X=3) = 5C3*0.20^3*0.80^2

[5C3 = Combination (5, 3) = 5!/(5 – 3)!3! = 5!/2!3! = 5*4/2*1 = 20/2 = 10]

P(X=3) = 10* 0.008* 0.64

P(X=3) = 0.0512

Required probability = 0.0512
for i in range(1,6): #row loop
for j in range(6,i,-1): #colum loop
print(i,end=" ")
print("\n") #new line

a="EUDAEMONIC" #orginal word
b="EYUDAEMONIC" #wrong word
for i in b:
if(a[j]!=i): #if not same

#correct spelling
print("Spell numbers 10 t0 20")
for i in a:
print(b,":correct") #printing correct
print(b,":False") #printing false


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