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If You Have Braces, You’ll Understand These 7 Things

Do you wear braces? Whether its being scared of eating spinach or the never-ending dentist appointments, having braces can be a tough time. The people who were lucky enough to not need braces will never know about the daily suffering – but you do. Don’t worry about it, though; it is all worth it in the end when you have shiny, perfect teeth.

Check out 7 things anyone who has ever had braces will be able to understand.

1. You hate the never-ending orthodontist trips
Before you had braces you assumed you would go to the orthodontist twice; once to put the braces on and once to take them off. Ah, how naïve you were. Sadly, now you know the truth; you’re at the dentist every couple of weeks to experience the hell that is having your braces tightened. Afterwards, your whole mouth hurts – teeth, tongue, gums, and even somehow the roof of your mouth. How is that even possible?

2. You steer clear of certain foods
If you love eating mushy, wet food, then braces are a great idea for you. Anything hard can damage the wires, so anything like apples, carrots, and biscuits are off the table – literally.

You eventually adjusted to eating food that resembles baby food, but even then there are still other foods you avoid, such as spinach. It gets easily tangled in your braces and often stays there for hours until you finally check out your teeth in a mirror. Sigh.

3. You always carry a pocket mirror with you
Most people classify their essentials as a phone and house keys, but you had a third – a small, reflective surface. Your braces made your mouth a magnet for stray food, so you always carried a pocket mirror around with you. Every day you would check your teeth multiple times for signs of food stuck in your teeth. You can only imagine how many hours you spent sneakily looking at your teeth in your mirror.

4. You’re sick of the mouth pain
You thought getting braces meant your teeth would hurt occasionally – how wrong you were. You experience teeth pain, gum pain, and tongue pain on a monthly basis due to the wires and brackets rubbing against your mouth. On the plus side, your mouth is now a hardened battle warrior.

5. You were scared of kissing someone
When you first got braces, you laughed at the urban legends you heard about a couple with braces kissing each other and becoming entwined forever. However, after a few months with braces the thought of being stuck to another person for eternity felt like a haunting possibility. Then you finally kissed someone… and it was totally fine. No problems whatsoever.

6. You don’t like smiling in pictures
To smile with your teeth on show or not? This question surfaces in your mind every time someone got out their camera. You didn’t want to look serious and sulky, but a part of you wanted to save your big grin for when your teeth were finally perfect.

7. You can’t wait to get your braces taken off and love your new teeth
After months (and for some unlucky souls, years) the moment finally arrived – time to get your braces off. You count down the days like a child excited for Christmas, imagining yourself smiling with pride at every occasion.

When your braces came off, your first thought was: Weird. It was so strange seeing your full teeth after so long – were they always this big? And white? And shiny!?

However, it only took you a few minutes to realize the pain was all worth it – now you have a big smile in every picture, and you love your teeth.



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