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Trivia Boketto: Discover the Importance of Not Doing

Professora Akira

☯️ SôulNinetãiL☯️
Oct 13, 2017

Do you ever catch yourself, staring out the window at nothing?

When you find yourself gazing mindlessly into empty space, not really look at anything but not really thinking about anything either.Your eyes aren’t focused and your brain certainly isn’t either.

According to this, Boketto is an onomatepeic word meaning “to do nothing,” derived from the word for daydreaming.

It’s nice to take a mental rest, every now and again.
We can read all we like on being productive. But if you’re feeling stressed, tired, exhausted.. maybe it’s time you take a little moment to do nothing. Because sometimes the best thing you can do to be more productive is to sit and do nothing at all.

By just staring, thinking, not-thinking. Looking at the clouds and the leaves and wondering where they all came from.

Don’t beat yourself up about it when you find yourself practising Boketto. The next time you catch yourself staring mindlessly into space, know that you’re not the only one who does this. In fact, it’s so common that it even has it’s very own name! Well, at least in Japan it does.

Instead of getting stressed about all the things not done, choose to enjoy the mindless wandering, this little moment to clear your head and appreciate your surroundings.

When you gaze vacantly into the distance like this you are not doing anything at all, except enjoying the present.

In that sense, it’s quite meditative.

It allows time for my subconscious to kick in, for the gears to silently tick away in the cobwebs of my mind while all you do is take a look at my surroundings and enjoy the simple things that this world has to offer.

It’s this ability to just stare into the distance, not thinking about anything in particular, that allows us to relax. Because in that moment, nothing matters — not the time, the place or the stuff. Just that you’re here, and you’re breathing and the world slowly goes on its merry way around you.

Disengage, breath in, breath out and relax.

Excerpt from Meduim/DidYouKnow


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