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Make a reaction paper about the Four Cases of Police Brutality and Racism

Reaction paper should consist of three main parts

Introduction- this should include a brief summary of the content; question or material you are asked to respond to. The rule of thumb is to devote at least 3 sentences for the introduction. At the end of the introduction, write your thesis and this should support your argument.

• Body (Your Reaction)- the second paragraph of your paper should contain your response of first reaction. Write concisely and follow this format to ensure your paper flows well. Give reasons as behind your reaction or perception. In the succeeding paragraphs, state other reactions. It is however imperative that you use personal indicators including in my opinion, I suppose, I think or I believe among others.

Conclusion- Conclude your reaction essay by restating your thesis statement and response. You can wrap up your paper by challenging target readers.
Title: Reflections on Four Cases of Police Brutality and Racism

The issue of police brutality and racism has become a prominent topic of discussion in recent years. This reaction paper aims to examine and provide personal insights on four cases that shed light on these deeply rooted problems. The cases discussed include the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner. This paper seeks to analyze the reactions and perceptions evoked by these incidents, while also exploring the underlying causes and consequences of police brutality and racism.

The cases of police brutality and racism discussed in this paper expose the urgent need for systematic change in law enforcement practices, as well as the necessary measures to eliminate racial biases within society.

Upon witnessing the brutal and unjust death of George Floyd at the hands of a police officer, my initial reaction was one of shock and anger. The video footage of Floyd struggling for his last breath while being mercilessly restrained was not only heart-wrenching but also indicative of the deep-seated issues within our law enforcement system. This incident, along with the subsequent widespread protests, revealed the urgent need for police reform and accountability.

In the case of Breonna Taylor, a young African-American woman fatally shot in her own home during a no-knock police raid, my reaction was one of disbelief and sadness. The fact that Taylor was an innocent victim, caught in the crossfire of a flawed system, highlights the alarming disregard for black lives and the systemic racism that persists within law enforcement. This case emphasizes the need for a thorough examination of police protocols and the reevaluation of racial biases in policing.

The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and the subsequent protests that followed evoked a range of emotions. The initial controversy surrounding the circumstances of Brown's death, coupled with the subsequent unrest, exposed the deep racial tensions simmering beneath the surface of our society. This case, along with others, demonstrates the disproportionate use of force against people of color and the urgent need for unbiased investigations into police misconduct.

The tragic death of Eric Garner, who uttered the words "I can't breathe" while being placed in a chokehold by a police officer, left a lasting impact on public consciousness. Garner's death, like the others, exemplifies the dire consequences of racial profiling and the excessive use of force. It serves as a stark reminder that systemic racism continues to plague our society and necessitates swift action and reform.

In conclusion, the four cases of police brutality and racism discussed in this paper have undeniably highlighted the urgent need for change within our law enforcement system and society as a whole. The reactions elicited by these incidents range from shock and anger to disbelief and sadness. Addressing these issues requires a comprehensive reassessment of police protocols, the implementation of unbiased investigations, and the eradication of racial biases. It is crucial that we challenge ourselves and others to actively participate in advocating for justice, equality, and systemic reform to prevent further instances of police brutality and racism. Only through collective action can we hope to create a society in which all individuals are truly equal and safe from discrimination.

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