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Referral Always screened out of the surveys? Here are the tips..


Forum Veteran
Dec 17, 2015
Check my referrals and some tips on how to get more surveys HERE

Here are some of the questions in survey sites that will screened you out if you answer incorrectly.

1. "Do you or any of your household members working in the following industry?" --> This is very important since they won't choose participants that has jobs that can affect their answer on their surveys. Although there are rare instances that they are looking for specific participants with particular jobs, but they mostly just based it on your profile. So when you encounter this question, usually at the beginning, always answer "None of the above" or something similar. Also, make sure that your Job Description in your profile is not one of those choices.

2. "Have you particated in any surveys on particular subjects...." --> Same with number one.

3. "In order for us to know that you are reading the questions carefully, please select the answer...." --> these type of questions are what we call trick questions to deter speed clickers who rush the surveys by choosing answers randomly and moving on to next question quickly. Just follow what is asked in the questions.

4. "Are you the main person responsible..." --> Always choose "I'm the main.." or " I equally share.." as the answer.

5. "Is there a child xx-xx years old in your household and are you willing to let him/her answer..." --> this means that the survey is meant for younger participants. If you answer yes, but there's no child available to answer it, just pretend you are that child. Make sure your answers are what you would expect that child would choose. Also, if the age is ask, don't forget you are pretending.

6. "Have you bought or purchased any of the following..." --> before you start the survey, make sure that you read the information about that particular survey and what it is about. (ex. survey about beverage, etc.). When you encounter this type of questions, always choose the items that you think the survey is all about, even if you haven't bought any.

More to come....

Check my referrals and some tips on how to get more surveys HERE