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Trivia 10 Dog Facts


Eternal Poster
Apr 5, 2016
1. Dogs have been known to poop in alignment with the Earth's Magnetic field. No wonder it takes them so long to find a good spot!

2. The Norwegian Lundehund is the only dog that has 6 toes on each foot.

3. There is a town in Minnesota with a Dog as their Mayor. Duke won the popular vote and was made Honorary Mayor of Cormorant, Minn in 2014.

4. The Labrador Retriever has been one of the AKC's top ten most popular dog breeds for 25 years straight.

5. A Border Collie named Chaser has the largest vocabulary of any other known dog. Chaser has been taught over 1022 names of items and can recognize and categorize them according to function and shape. Something a human learns to do around the age of 3.

6. Puppies grow half their body weight about 4 to 5 months. This gives your Vet a good indication of how big they will be as an ãdül†!

7. The fastest breed is the Greyhound. They have been known to hit record speeds of 44 miles per hour.

8. According to a study done by Cornell University, dogs were domesticated around 9,000 and 34,000 years ago.

9. They also found that contrary to the idea that dogs evolved from wolves, they actually share a common ancestor. This indicates that Dogs and Modern Grey Wolves are more like sister species.

10. The oldest dog breed is the Saluki. Just like the oldest Cat breed, the Saluki originated in Ancient Egypt around 329. B.C.E.

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