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Closed Ransomwhare paano na to?

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nagaganyan po saakin ung mga files kong importante hindi ko mabuksan

Remove “Your personal files are encrypted” ransomware (Removal Guide)

If your pictures, videos and documents are encrypted and a “Your personal files are encrypted” alert is asking for money (usually in Bitcoins) to recover the files, then your computer has been infected with a file-encrypting ransomware.

These file-encrypting ransomware programs are malware, which will encrypt the personal documents found on victim’s computer using RSA-2048 key (AES CBC 256-bit encryption algorithm). Then displays a message which offers to decrypt the data if a payment (with Bitcoins) is made within 96 hours, otherwise the data will be destroyed.

The most known ransomware programs that use the “Your personal files are encrypted” message are: Wana Decrypt0r 2.0, CryptoLocker, Crypt0l0cker, Alpha Crypt, TeslaCrypt, CoinVault, Bit Crypt, CTB-Locker or TorrentLocker.



We cannot help your recover your files, and we recommend that you use ShadowExplorer or (free) file recovery software to restore your documents. This guide was written to help you remove the infection itself, and if a 100% proven method to recover the encrypted files is found we will update this guide.
You can try to search for a “Your personal files are encrypted” decryption tool on these webpages: You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. or You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.
1. How did the “Your personal files are encrypted” ransomware got on my computer?
These “Your personal files are encrypted” ransomware are distributed through several means. Malicious websites, or legitimate websites that have been häçked, can infect your machine through exploit kits that use vulnerabilities on your computer to install this Trojan without your permission of knowledge.

Another method used to propagate this type of malware is spam email containing infected attachments or links to malicious websites. Cyber-criminals spam out an email, with forged header information, tricking you into believing that it is from a shipping company like DHL or FedEx. The email tells you that they tried to deliver a package to you, but failed for some reason. Sometimes the emails claim to be notifications of a shipment you have made. Either way, you can’t resist being curious as to what the email is referring to – and open the attached file (or click on a link embedded inside the email). And with that, your computer is infected with the Your personal files are encrypted ransomware

The threat may also be downloaded manually by tricking the user into thinking they are installing a useful piece of software, for instance a bogus update for Adobe Flash Player or another piece of software.

2. What is “Your personal files are encrypted” Ransomware?
The “Your personal files are encrypted” is a a message displayed by ransomware programs which targets all versions of Windows including Windows 10, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and Windows 8. These type of infection are notable due to how it encrypts the user’s files – namely, it uses AES-265 and RSA encryption method – in order to ensure that the affected user has no choice but to purchase the private key.

When “Your personal files are encrypted” ransomware is first installed on your computer it will create a random named executable in the %AppData% or %LocalAppData% folder. This executable will be launched and begin to scan all the drive letters on your computer for data files to encrypt.

The “Your personal files are encrypted” ransomware searches for files with certain file extensions to encrypt. The files it encrypts include important productivity documents and files such as .doc, .docx, .xls, .pdf, among others. When these files are detected, this infection will append a new extension (.ezz, .exx, .7z.encrypted) to the file name.
Files targeted are those commonly found on most PCs today; a list of file extensions for targeted files include:

.sql, .mp4, .7z, .rar, .m4a, .wma, .avi, .wmv, .csv, .d3dbsp, .zip, .sie, .sum, .ibank, .t13, .t12, .qdf, .gdb, .tax, .pkpass, .bc6, .bc7, .bkp, .qic, .bkf, .sidn, .sidd, .mddata, .itl, .itdb, .icxs, .hvpl, .hplg, .hkdb, .mdbackup, .syncdb, .gho, .cas, .svg, .map, .wmo, .itm, .sb, .fos, .mov, .vdf, .ztmp, .sis, .sid, .ncf, .menu, .layout, .dmp, .blob, .esm, .vcf, .vtf, .dazip, .fpk, .mlx, .kf, .iwd, .vpk, .tor, .psk, .rim, .w3x, .fsh, .ntl, .arch00, .lvl, .snx, .cfr, .ff, .vpp_pc, .lrf, .m2, .mcmeta, .vfs0, .mpqge, .kdb, .db0, .dba, .rofl, .hkx, .bar, .upk, .das, .iwi, .litemod, .asset, .forge, .ltx, .bsa, .apk, .re4, .sav, .lbf, .slm, .bik, .epk, .rgss3a, .pak, .big, wallet, .wotreplay, .xxx, .desc, .py, .m3u, .flv, .js, .css, .rb, .png, .jpeg, .txt, .p7c, .p7b, .p12, .pfx, .pem, .crt, .cer, .der, .x3f, .srw, .pef, .ptx, .r3d, .rw2, .rwl, .raw, .raf, .orf, .nrw, .mrwref, .mef, .erf, .kdc, .dcr, .cr2, .crw, .bay, .sr2, .srf, .arw, .3fr, .dng, .jpe, .jpg, .cdr, .indd, .ai, .eps, .pdf, .pdd, .psd, .dbf, .mdf, .wb2, .rtf, .wpd, .dxg, .xf, .dwg, .pst, .accdb, .mdb, .pptm, .pptx, .ppt, .xlk, .xlsb, .xlsm, .xlsx, .xls, .wps, .docm, .docx, .doc, .odb, .odc, .odm, .odp, .ods, .odt

While encrypting your files, the ransomware may create a text file ransom note in each folder that a file has been encrypted and on the Windows desktop. This type of ransomware, may also change your Windows desktop wallpaper. Both the wallpaper and the text ransom note will contain the same information on how to access the payment site and get your files back.

3. Is my computer infected with “Your personal files are encrypted” virus?
If your computer is infected with this type of ransomware, your persoanl documents will be encrypted and you will see a message asking you to send bitcoints to recover them.


The messages displayed by this ransomware infection can be localized depending on the user’s location, with text written in the appropriate language. This is the usual message that the Your personal files are encrypted virus may display:


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