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To become a tutor on Coursehero, you can follow these steps:

1. Create an account on Coursehero by signing up on their website.

2. Once you have an account, navigate to the "Become a Tutor" page on the site.

3. Fill out the application form with your personal information, education background, and subjects you want to tutor.

4. Upload a scanned copy or a photo of your government-issued ID, as well as your academic credentials, like diplomas or transcripts.

5. Pass a subject-specific test or exam to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge.

6. Wait for the Coursehero team to review your application and approve your account.

Once you have been approved, you can start answering questions and uploading study materials to help students. As a tutor, you will earn money for your contributions based on the number of views and downloads your materials receive.
how to claim payment?

To become a tutor on Coursehero, you can follow these steps:

1. Create an account on Coursehero by signing up on their website.

2. Once you have an account, navigate to the "Become a Tutor" page on the site.

3. Fill out the application form with your personal information, education background, and subjects you want to tutor.

4. Upload a scanned copy or a photo of your government-issued ID, as well as your academic credentials, like diplomas or transcripts.

5. Pass a subject-specific test or exam to demonstrate your expertise and knowledge.

6. Wait for the Coursehero team to review your application and approve your account.

Once you have been approved, you can start answering questions and uploading study materials to help students. As a tutor, you will earn money for your contributions based on the number of views and downloads your materials receive.

can payments in coursehero be coursed thru gcash?
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