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Make a 5 paragraph incident report regarding wrong patient identification and release of results. Make it professional and concise.
Incident Report

Date: [Insert Date]

Location: [Insert Location]

Incident Description:

On [Insert Date], at approximately [Insert Time], there was an incident involving wrong patient identification and release of results at [Insert Location]. The incident occurred when [Insert Brief Description of the Situation]. This led to the incorrect release of medical results to a patient who was not the intended recipient.

Immediate Actions Taken:

Upon discovery of the error, immediate actions were taken to rectify the situation. The staff involved in the incident were notified and the correct patient was identified. The incorrect results were promptly retrieved from the unintended recipient and the correct results were delivered to the appropriate patient. The incident was documented in detail for future reference and review.

Root Cause Analysis:

A root cause analysis was conducted to determine the factors that led to the wrong patient identification and release of results. It was identified that [Insert Root Cause]. This could have been prevented by [Insert Preventive Measures]. Recommendations were made to implement additional verification steps to ensure accurate patient identification in the future.

Follow-Up Actions:

In order to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future, the following actions have been taken:
1. Staff training on proper patient identification protocols.
2. Implementation of a double-check verification process for releasing medical results.
3. Regular audits to ensure compliance with patient identification procedures.
4. Review and update of existing policies and procedures related to patient data security and confidentiality.


The incident involving wrong patient identification and release of results was a serious breach of protocol and could have resulted in potential harm to the patients involved. It serves as a reminder of the critical importance of accurate patient identification in healthcare settings. The actions taken in response to this incident aim to strengthen patient safety measures and prevent similar occurrences in the future.

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