Recent content by Relyks22

  1. R

    G·TM GTM NO LOAD ! Pasok Need Feedback

    May blocking po ba sa GOMO?
  2. R

    Tutorial TTV

    Thank you po TS and sir hi2u
  3. R

    Tutorial TTV

    Balik na lang sa kodi boss hi2u. Mahirap mkita yung playlist/m3u content kapag nasa kodi lang eh.
  4. R

    Tutorial TTV

    Add ko lang sa local channels, ******TV. Hahaha! #EXTINF:-1 tvg-logo="******_tv_2007.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/340?cb=20201129013219" tvg-country="US", ****** TV
  5. R

    Tutorial TTV

    Pa share po lods
  6. R

    Anime Suggestion

    Redo of healer idol!
  7. R

    IPTV IPTV Playlist (International Channels)

    IPTV m3u playlist alternative. The free servers are not guaranteed in the display more than 24 hours and can be stopped at any time. I'll try to update this on a daily basis. Please take note of the following: 1. Walang forever sa libre 2. Limited lang ang connections ng karamihan sa mga...