Recent content by nnelg2828

  1. N

    Closed My FAST-FREEZONE settings

    patry pu bosS.?''''''''''''''''''''''''salamat..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
  2. N

    G·TM About Superfb Bug

    pa try.````````````````,,,,,,,sna gumana..tnx-------------
  3. N

    Closed Super bilis operamini for android (globe/tm user's)

    patry pu aCu...salamat pu...'''''''''''''''''''' '''''''
  4. N

    G·TM another trick to bug ur globe sim using kaboom

    pa try nga pu aCu..,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, salamat po..
  5. N

    Globe Bug tricks any version (ANDROID)

    patry po ako..salamat.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
  6. N

    Closed Android opera mini 6.1 handler requested

    patry nga puh aCu..''''''''''''''''''sana gumana..salamat pu.''''''''''''
  7. N

    G·TM Meron na ulet Supersurf999 Dial Trick

    patry po aCu.tnx /'''''''''''''''''''''''' '''''tnx
  8. N

    Android App Handler ucweb for android (globe & tm only)

    patry pu aCu.????????????salamamt
  9. N

    Closed Globe kaboom v3.3 application! (android phones only)

    patry po.tnx..sna gumana...p..
  10. N

    G·TM Believe it or not?

    pa try po ako.'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''tnx
  11. N

    G·TM Tikman ang aking li-bug

    pa try po aCu..''''''''''''''''''''''tnx
  12. N

    G·TM Working bug as of 3/27/2013..

    pa try po sir......................... tnx po........
  13. N

    G·TM Working bug as of 3/27/2013..

    pa try po sir......................... tnx po........
  14. N

    Closed Android!unexpected bug!tested by me (3/27/2013)

    patry lang po aCu.,.............................. thanks