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Static website


Jan 2, 2020
our teacher assigned us to make a static website that features about the country Germany, using javascript. i am the team leader and I have 6 members. the website should feature tabs: home, members, about.

the homepage should feature the beauty of Germany.
if you click home, it should feature about the country.
if you click members, it should feature the profile pictures and names of the members. and if you click the profile picture, it should direct to their biodata.
If you click about, it should features about the website.

make the static website nicely and professionally. provide the codes.
That sounds like a great project! Here are some steps you can follow to create a static website featuring information about Germany using JavaScript:

1. Planning Phase:
- Define the structure of your website: Home, Members, About.
- Decide on the content for each section.
- Create a wireframe or mockup to visualize the layout.

2. Creating the HTML Structure:
- Create an HTML file for each section: home.html, members.html, about.html.
- Add the necessary HTML elements for the content of each section.

3. Styling with CSS:
- Create a CSS file to style your website.
- Use CSS to make your website visually appealing and professional.

4. JavaScript Implementation:
- Use JavaScript to create tabs for navigation.
- Implement functionality to show/hide content when tabs are clicked.
- Add event listeners to handle tab clicks and show the corresponding content.

5. Content Creation:
- Gather images and information about Germany for the homepage.
- Create profiles for each team member with their names, profile pictures, and bio data.

6. Integration:
- Link your CSS and JavaScript files to your HTML pages.
- Test the functionality of your tabs and ensure everything is working as expected.

7. Final Touches:
- Optimize your website for different screen sizes (responsiveness).
- Test your website on multiple browsers to ensure compatibility.

By following these steps, you can create a professional and engaging static website featuring information about Germany with tabs for Home, Members, and About sections. Good luck with your project!

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