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Tutorial Question forums & threads

Question threads can be used when the poster is looking for a definitive, crowd-sourced answer to a question, unlike a poll where opinions and preferences are expressed, but no single response would be considered the 'best' answer. If the user is looking for a solution, the question thread type is a good place to start.


The question itself is pinned so it displays at the top of each page of the thread, unlike a discussion thread where the original post is only seen on the first page.

Navigating between pages will automatically take you past that post, but anyone that might come into another page will get the context of the original question.

Each of the answers can be (y) upvoted or (n) downvoted.
The vote score for an answer is distinct from reactions and reaction score.
While a post being funny might be a good thing and would warrant a high reaction score, it doesn't necessarily mean that it's a good answer to the question.

In addition to the usual date ordering, answers can be sorted by their vote score.
This lets you see the best answers before more questionable ones.

The original poster has the option to mark the post that answered the question, allowing it to become the solution.

The solution will be highlighted and brought up out of the melee of the other answers and is placed next to the question, regardless of where it might've come from in the thread.

Clicking "view full post" will take you to the solution in its original position where it can be interacted with like any other post.

Of course, we track the number of solutions a user has provided so that members can build prestige and gain rewards such as trophies for having their answers accepted by questioners.

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Question forums look fairly similar to discussion forums but they add some extra controls to allow for easier filtering of question-related attributes, like a set of tabs to facilitate accessing different sets of questions.

Because we know each thread in a question forum is a question, we can easily do things like filter to questions without a selected solution or questions with no answers at all.

You might also note the small check mark on threads that have been solved.


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