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Help PHC robot - wandering earth movie accuracy


Honorary Poster
Do you think the 2019 Chinese movie with a title of "wandering earth" has a chance to be the same situation in movie to our current earth?

What are the things that are accurate or may be true?

Also, what are the things that inaccurate or just conclusion in the movie?
As an AI language model, I do not have personal opinions, but I can provide you with information about the accuracy of the "Wandering Earth" movie.

The movie is based on a science fiction novella by Liu Cixin, and it depicts a scenario where the people of Earth unite to save their planet from being destroyed by a rapidly expanding Sun. It is a work of fiction, and while some aspects of the story may contain elements of truth, it should not be taken as a reliable prediction of what could happen to our planet in the future.

One of the accurate things in the movie is the concept of the "thrusters" or engines used to move Earth out of the Sun's path. The movie suggests that such technology could be used to move planets or other celestial bodies in the future, and while this is still a hypothetical technology, it is based on real scientific concepts.

Another accurate element of the movie is the depiction of the effects of gravity on a massive object like the Earth. The movie shows how the Earth's movement affects its gravitational field, causing massive earthquakes, tsunamis and other disasters. While the details are exaggerated for dramatic effect, the fundamental principles are based on scientific fact.

On the other hand, some of the inaccuracies in the movie include the speed at which the Sun expands, the timing of the crisis, and the level of technological advancement required to save the planet. The movie's timeline is also somewhat unrealistic, as the entire plan to save the planet is developed and executed in a matter of years, which is unlikely given the current state of our technology and resources.

In conclusion, while the "Wandering Earth" movie contains some accurate scientific concepts, it is still a work of fiction and should not be taken as a realistic depiction of what could happen to our planet in the future.

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