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Right Under Our Noses: The Covert Dangers of Roblox Most Parents Are Unaware Of


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In the age of digital parenting, it is often a challenge, especially for working parents to have ultimate control over screen time.

Dubbed as Yaya 2.0, gadgets and online apps are foolproof means to make the kids busy or quiet for a period of time—or perhaps now on a school break—majority of their free time. One may argue that it's a habit that they might have formed or picked up during the peak of the pandemic when everyone was locked inside their residences with very little options of things to do. But while these gadgets and online games help us buy time to run a few errands, keep the back of the car in control, beat a work deadline, or complete some household chores—do we even have the slightest idea how this seemingly innocent means to pacify the child has a covert dark side?

One of the popular games amongst the children of today is Roblox, with You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. monthly active users as of April 2021. Hours spent on this platform is reported to be You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. by the third quarter of 2022. On the 2021 data by You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., Philippines is at number 4 among top 10 countries with the most engagement time: with United States in the lead, followed by Brazil and United Kingdom. This makes us Top 1 among Asian countries in terms of hours of engagement.

So what do we know?​

You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. is completely free to join and free to download. Roblox is defined on its site as "a global platform where millions of people gather together every day to imagine, create, and share experiences with each other in immersive, user-generated 3D worlds." It continues to say that all online games on the platform are made by and made for the Roblox Community. Roblox, ideally, is meant to be fun and educational as its vision according to its site is "to reimagine the way people come together to create, play, explore, learn, and connect with one another."

The World Health Organization (WHO) officially recognized gaming addiction as a modern disease.

What we probably don't know​

Roblox Addiction​

Roblox features can be You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.: from creating your own reality, building your own home, inviting friends over and teleporting from one place to another to trading pets and rare items. But this You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. can cause loss of interest in other activities, make your child irritable or develop mood swings, and even cause neck, back and eye strain.

Trash talk​

Hate speech is common among any game, whether virtual or physical. However, in an online setting; in a metaverse, it is easier to commit harrasment and bullying, knowing that your opponent could not easily strike you or know your real identity.

Suicide and self-harm​

Excessive bullying and trash talking can damage one's ability to cope and we know a story or two that this can sometimes lead to self-harm and suicide. But, peer pressure You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. of a 15-year old girl in the US when she allegedly came across a game inside Roblox where users pressured her into completing self-harming challenges, including cutting, hanging, and starving herself.

Roblox rape, Roblox forn​

In 2018, a US mom was beyond disgusted to see her 7-year old daughter's avatar being raped on the virtual playground. She posted it on her Facebook account and warned parents of extremely graphic You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.

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PHOTO BY Facebook/Amber Petersen© Provided by Smart Parenting

Adding insult to the injury, on YøùTùbé, there is a long list of video tutorials on how to make a "rape script" with online predators commenting and asking for links and further instruction. Some videos on these tutorials don't even look like rape but more like Roblox **** with graphic penile representation and child-inappropriate sexual content. In a You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., screen grabs from a Roblox game "Condo" show **** avatars and chat messages that say, "Wanna have s*x?"

Chat with voice​

Chat with spatial voice beta on Roblox is already accessible for kids above 13. While the goal is to naturally communicate on Roblox, this feature can be another red flag hidden in plain sight as ãdül† online predators can potentially manipulate and lure young minds.


Light patterns or flashing lights that could be present in some Roblox games may trigger seizures to small percentage of individuals.


Violence is a running theme in Roblox games. Games like Murder Mystery, Survive the Killer, Murder Party, and Da Hood are games about killing, survival, deception and playing criminal. These games are considered far from reality and just imaginative play but we don't know how much it can alter the pysche of our innocent children.

As children, what can they do?​

1. Moderation is key​

Play or watch in a well-lit room and avoid playing or watching when tired or fatigued. Playing or watching long hours on end will either make them lose enough sleep or have poor quality of sleep.

2. Report abuse​

On the platform itself, one can You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now. with inappropriate behavior and games with **** content.

3. Block the bully​

For cyberbullying, as much as possible, kids should not respond or retaliate. This can easily disarm the perpetrator. Kids can also You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now.to maintain a safe, fun, and healthy gaming environment. But if the harassing thoughts haunt them, teach them to ask for help from you as their parents or guardian—or might as well, simply tell them to uninstall.

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As parents, what can we do?​

Roblox Recommendation​

Citing directly from You do not have permission to view the full content of this post. Log in or register now., here are the tools you can adjust in Account Settings to safeguard your children:

Account Restrictions: This feature allows parents to limit the account’s ability to chat by disabling and locking an account’s Contact Settings so that no one can send messages, chat in-app or in-experience with the child.

Parent PIN: Parents can add a four-digit PIN to lock the account settings. Once a PIN is added, it must be entered to make any changes to settings such as your password, email address, and privacy settings.

Age-Based Experience Controls: Experience Guidelines recommend the content suitability of an experience and allows parents to limit what experiences the account can join. These recommendations are grounded in child development research and informed by industry standards.

2-Step Verification: This feature makes it so no one else can login to the account even if they know the password. When your child logs in, Roblox will send you a code via email. The account cannot log in without that code. Since only you have access to your email account, only you will be able to get the security code.

Monthly Spend Restrictions/Notifications: Parents can set a limit on the amount the account is able to purchase in real world currency on a per calendar month basis. This feature requires a verified parent’s email and parental pin setup before being enabled. Parents can control notifications to their email about the account’s spending with options including exceedingly high spending alerts and emails on all spending.

Is it all or nothing with Roblox then?​

As a parent myself, it's always a balancing act with our kids between knowing what's best for them and keeping them happy. Sure, we can disable the chat, restrict the account access, or put a spend limit--but keep in mind that once you let a child play these games, you are always running the risk of exposure.

Parenting will constantly be easier said than done but trust that your parental instinct and genuine concern for your child shall always prevail.
The rise of technology and digital parenting has undoubtedly presented challenges for parents, especially those who are working and have limited control over screen time. Many parents turn to gadgets and online apps, like Roblox, to keep their children occupied and quiet. However, it is important to recognize that these seemingly innocent means of pacifying a child can have covert dark sides.

Roblox is a popular online game with millions of monthly active users, including a significant number of children. While the platform is intended to be fun and educational, there are several dangers that most parents may be unaware of.

One concerning issue is Roblox addiction. The game offers various features that can be addictive, such as creating virtual realities, building homes, and trading items. This addiction can lead to a loss of interest in other activities, mood swings, and physical strain on the body.

Another danger within the game is the prevalence of hate speech and bullying. In an online setting, it is easier for individuals to engage in harassment and bullying, as they can hide behind anonymity. Excessive bullying and trash talking can have serious consequences, including self-harm and suicide, as seen in tragic cases where children have been pressured into completing self-harming challenges within Roblox.

There have also been instances of graphic and inappropriate content within the game. In 2018, a mother discovered that her 7-year-old daughter's avatar was being "gang-raped" on the virtual playground. This incident raised awareness of the presence of explicit content and inappropriate behavior within Roblox.

Additionally, the chat feature in Roblox, especially the spatial voice chat beta, can be another red flag. ãdül† online predators can potentially manipulate and lure young minds through this feature.

Other dangers include the potential for photosensitivity-triggered seizures, exposure to violence in various Roblox games, and the risk of children interacting with strangers online.

As children, there are a few actions they can take to protect themselves. Moderation is key, and they should avoid playing or watching for long hours, especially when tired or fatigued. They should also be encouraged to report any abuse or inappropriate behavior they encounter within the game and block individuals who engage in cyberbullying. Finally, if the harassment becomes overwhelming, they should seek help from their parents or guardians or consider uninstalling the game.

As parents, there are measures that can be taken to safeguard children while they play Roblox. Account restrictions can be adjusted to limit chat capabilities, a parent PIN can be added to lock account settings, and age-based experience controls can be utilized to restrict which experiences the account can join. Two-step verification can also be enabled to ensure that only authorized individuals can access the account. Parents can set monthly spend restrictions and receive notifications about the account's spending to maintain control over in-app purchases.

It is important to strike a balance when it comes to allowing children to play Roblox or any other online game. While there are safety measures that can be implemented, there is always a risk of exposure when children engage with these platforms. Ultimately, parents should trust their parental instincts and prioritize the well-being and safety of their children.