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House Of Representatives


The Misplaced Power of Congress: Detaining Ka Eric and Violating Constitutional Rights

In a recent and alarming turn of events, the Congress has wielded its power inappropriately by citing Ka Eric in contempt and detaining him for refusing to disclose his source of information, which is explicitly protected in the constitution. This incident has unquestionably raised concerns about the overreach of Congress, transforming it into a tool for political persecution rather than serving as a trusted institution of democracy.

The action taken by Congress is not only unjust but also undermines the fundamental principles of freedom of the press and the right to privacy. The constitution clearly safeguards the right of individuals to protect their confidential sources, as it recognizes the significance of maintaining a free flow of information and a vigilant press to ensure transparency and accountability in society. By disregarding these constitutional protections, Congress has demonstrated a blatant disregard for the rights of individuals and the principles upon which our democratic society is built.

We the undersigned, vehemently condemns this misguided action by Congress. Freedom of the press is a cornerstone of any well-functioning democracy, and journalists must be able to report on matters of public interest without fear of intimidation or reprisal. The actions of Congress set a dangerous precedent, chilling the ability of journalists to perform their crucial watchdog role and undermining public trust in democratic institutions.

Moreover, the detention of Ka Eric highlights a deeper issue of the eroding credibility and trust in Congress. By prioritizing political vendettas over upholding the principles of justice and the constitution, Congress loses its credibility as an institution accountable to the people. The public's faith and trust in Congress must be based on its commitment to safeguarding democratic values and serving the best interests of the nation, rather than being perceived as a partisan tool that selectively persecutes individuals.

We call on all citizens who value press freedom, civil liberties, and the proper functioning of democratic institutions to voice their concerns and demand accountability from Congress. It is essential to remind Congress of its role as a protector of individual rights, a promoter of transparency, and a guardian of democracy.

In conclusion, the actions taken by Congress in citing Ka Eric in contempt and detaining him for refusing to reveal his source of information represent a misplaced exercise of power. Such actions violate the principles enshrined in our constitution and erode the credibility and trustworthiness of Congress. Society at large must be vigilant in safeguarding the fundamental rights of individuals and the integrity of democratic institutions, ensuring that they uphold and respect the principles upon which our nation was founded.

1. LtGen Aurelio B Baladad (Ret)
2. Col Mariano R Santiago (Ret
3, Col Alfonso O Rivera ‘(Ret)


PH congress, senate and the president are just following the rules based order by the USA that are bendable according to their motives