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Help Documentaries about War or Dark Web

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Hello! I can recommend some documentaries for you to watch on the dark web and war-related topics:

1. Deep Web (2015) - This documentary explores the rise of the dark web following the arrest of Ross Ulbricht, the founder of the Silk Road, an online black market.

2. Zero Days (2016) - This documentary delves into the world of cyber warfare, focusing on the Stuxnet computer virus and its implications for international relations.

3. Citizenfour (2014) - While not specifically about the dark web, this documentary follows Edward Snowden as he leaks classified information about government surveillance programs, shedding light on the digital world's darker aspects.

4. Restrepo (2010) - This documentary follows a platoon of U.S. soldiers deployed in Afghanistan's Korengal Valley, offering a raw and immersive look at the realities of modern warfare.

5. The Square (2013) - This documentary focuses on the Egyptian revolution and the role of social media in mobilizing citizens and documenting the events unfolding in Tahrir Square.

These documentaries provide insightful and often eye-opening perspectives on the dark web and the complexities of warfare in our modern world. Enjoy watching!
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