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The perception of a rich person from an ex-convict could vary depending on the individual's personal beliefs, experiences, and circumstances. Here are a few possible perspectives that an ex-convict may have towards a rich person:

1. Envy: The ex-convict might feel envious of the rich person's wealth and success, especially if they themselves are struggling financially or facing barriers to reintegration into society after serving their sentence.

2. Resentment: There could be feelings of resentment towards the rich person, especially if the ex-convict believes that the wealthy have had more opportunities and advantages in life that have been denied to them.

3. Admiration: On the other hand, the ex-convict may also admire the rich person for their achievements and success, seeing them as a role model or someone to aspire to emulate.

4. Skepticism: The ex-convict might be skeptical of the rich person's character or motivations, questioning whether their wealth was obtained through ethical means or if they are truly deserving of their status.

5. Desire for support or help: The ex-convict may see the rich person as someone who could potentially offer support, mentorship, or opportunities for them to improve their own circumstances and reintegrate into society successfully.

It is important to remember that these are just a few possible perspectives and that individuals are complex and may hold a combination of these feelings towards a rich person. Ultimately, perceptions can be influenced by a range of factors such as personal experiences, societal beliefs, and individual values.

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