chicken inasal

Chicken inasal, commonly known simply as inasal, is a variant of the Filipino chicken dish known as lechon manok. Chicken inasal is a grilled chicken part usually ****** (Pecho) or leg (Paa) while a lechon manok is a stuffed whole chicken. It is chicken marinated in a mixture of calamansi, pepper, coconut vinegar and annatto, then grilled over hot coals while basted with the marinade. It is served with rice, calamansi, soy sauce, chicken oil and vinegar (often sinamak vinegar, a palm vinegar infused with garlic, chili peppers and langkawas).
There are two popular versions of chicken inasal, the Bacolod and the Iloilo. Many people believe that Bacolod's inasal has a slightly sour base flavor, while Iloilo's has a sweet flavor.

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  1. H

    Tutorial The Best Chicken Inasal In the Country Recipe!

    Simple and very tasty cuisine i would like to share with you guys Inihaw na manok(original recipe)! Lista(Recipe): Hidden content eto din po yung recipe na hindi na susunog/burned ang manok/chicken natin mga paps!