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      A QPSK modulator has the following inputs: I=0 Q=1, reference carrier of coswct the output is A.-snwct + coswct B.sinwct-coswct C. -sinwct-coswct ------>>>>> correct D.sinwct+coswct Note: I want a full explanation on why letter "C" is correct.
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      NOTE: I will not tolerate any IA Computations or AI Generator I want a Legit Solution that is all!!!! 1. A loan of P20,000 is due on the 2nd year, while a loan of P40,000 is due on the 4th year. The borrower ρáíd P15,000 on the 3rd year. How...
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      Show complete and correct answers and solution Don't give me words and describe them. Show step by step on how to get it From the message: 10101000110111011100010 and CRC 12 polynomial divisor: compute for the CRC and then demonstrate that the...
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      SOWHAT0819 replied to the thread Help NEED IT ASAP.
      Need solutions step by step, I dont need words
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      Show complete and correct answers and solution From the message: 10101000110111011100010 and CRC 12 polynomial divisor: compute for the CRC and then demonstrate that the receiver detects a 5-bit error from the MSB.
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