We are pleased to announce that Telegram referral links are now allowed on our forum, subject to specific rules to ensure a fair and safe environment for all members.
For detailed discussions and feedback, please visit the related thread: Telegram referral links, feedback thread
Rules for Posting Telegram Referral Links:
Valid proofs:
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. Let's maintain a positive and trustworthy community together!
For detailed discussions and feedback, please visit the related thread: Telegram referral links, feedback thread
Rules for Posting Telegram Referral Links:
- Prohibited Advertisements
Links to chat or group chats from platforms like Disc0rd, Telegram, Facebook, TikTok, or any other social media profiles, pages, or channels are strictly prohibited. - Proof of Earnings is Required
You must provide verifiable proof of earnings or withdrawals when sharing a referral link (without this, the thread will be removed without any notice). - No Investment Required
Referral links that require any form of investment or deposit from members are not allowed.
Valid proofs:
- Paypal withdrawal
- Gcash withdrawal
- Telegram Wallet
- Coinsph
- Maya
We appreciate your cooperation in adhering to these guidelines. Let's maintain a positive and trustworthy community together!