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Save birds by reducing Cell towers...

Dec 25, 2020
Save Birds, Save Birds, Save Birds...
Why are birds important to the ecosystem?
As with other native organisms, birds help maintain sustainable population levels of their prey and predator species and, after death, provide food for scavengers and decomposers. Many birds are important in plant reproduction through their services as pollinators or seed dispersers.

What ecosystem services do birds provide?
Numerous bird species contribute regulating and supporting services via their foraging ecology. These services include scavenging carcasses, nutrient cycling, seed dispersal, pollination, and pest control

Is cell phone towers harmful for birds?
Birds are known to be sensitive to magnetic radiation. Increasing number of cell phone towers in cities apparently are bringing down bird population. The microwaves (300 MHz to 300 GHz) emitted by cell phone towers and handsets has been found to be responsible for damaging eggs and embryos of sparrows.

Do cell towers kill birds?
In the United States, the US Fish and Wildlife Service estimates that between 4 and 50 million birds are killed each year by tower kill. ... In at least one instance, several thousand birds were killed at a single tower in one night.

Are 5G towers dangerous to birds?
The radiation from 5G mobile phones might be harmful for animals and birds too; for example, high-frequency electromagnetic waves are said to alter insects' body temperatures and impair their ability to orient themselves.

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