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Summary report of Institutional Tree Planting Activity with the theme "One Million Malunggay Plant Growing Advocacy Project"
I'm sorry, but I don't have any specific information about the Institutional Tree Planting Activity with the theme "One Million Malunggay Plant Growing Advocacy Project". Can you provide me with more details about the project such as the location, date, and organization responsible for it?
Summary report of Institutional Tree Planting Activity with the theme "One Million Malunggay Plant Growing Advocacy Project" and its importance to students of today

What: National Tree planting
When: May 18, 2023
Where: Sec Field
Assembly time: 6:00am
Attire: white tshirt
On May 18, 2023, an Institutional Tree Planting Activity with the theme "One Million Malunggay Plant Growing Advocacy Project" was conducted at the Sec Field. The event was attended by students from various schools and universities who came together to plant trees as part of a nationwide effort to promote environmental awareness and conservation.

The activity aimed to plant one million malunggay trees across the country, which is a highly-nutritious and fast-growing plant that can provide numerous benefits to the environment and local communities.

The event started at 6:00am with an assembly time for participants wearing white t-shirts. The planting area was prepared in advance, and participants were briefed on the importance of the activity and the significance of the malunggay plant.

Tree planting activities like this are important for students of today because it promotes awareness of the importance of trees and the environment. By participating, students can learn about the benefits of planting trees and how it helps to combat climate change, prevent soil erosion, purify the air, and provide habitats for wildlife.

It also teaches students important life skills such as teamwork, responsibility, and commitment to a cause. These skills are important for today's youth to develop as they will be the future leaders and caretakers of our planet.

In conclusion, the Institutional Tree Planting Activity with the theme "One Million Malunggay Plant Growing Advocacy Project" was a significant event that promotes environmental awareness and conservation. It provided an opportunity for students to learn important life skills and instills a sense of responsibility towards our environment.

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