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Eternal Poster
Make me a reaction paper about what 3 things i learned from the subject NSTP 1

Minimum of 500 words
National Service Training Program (NSTP) 1 is a subject that aims to develop the social awareness and civic responsibility of students. In this course, students learn about the different issues and problems that our society faces and how they can contribute to making a positive change. After completing this course, I have learned three important things that have helped me understand the importance of community service and the role it plays in building a better society.

Firstly, I have learned the importance of community immersion. Community immersion is an essential aspect of NSTP 1 that encourages students to interact with marginalized communities and understand their problems and needs. During this activity, I have realized that there are many social issues in our society that we are not aware of, such as poverty, lack of access to education and healthcare, and discrimination. Through community immersion, I have seen firsthand how these issues affect the lives of people, and I have become motivated to help make a difference. This activity has taught me how important it is to listen to people's stories and experiences and use this knowledge to create solutions that address their needs.

Secondly, I have learned the importance of teamwork and collaboration in community service. Community service requires a group effort to achieve a common goal. NSTP 1 has provided me with opportunities to work with people from different backgrounds and cultures and learn from their perspectives. I have learned that working with others can help you achieve more significant results than working alone. During group activities like tree planting and clean-up drives, I have seen how teamwork and collaboration can make a significant impact on the community. I have also learned that communication and cooperation are essential elements of teamwork. These skills have helped me work effectively with others in accomplishing a shared goal.

Lastly, I have learned the importance of leadership in community service. Leadership is a crucial aspect of community service since it involves motivating and inspiring others to work towards a shared goal. NSTP 1 has provided me with opportunities to develop leadership skills, such as communication, problem-solving, and decision-making. Through the course, I have learned that leadership is not just about giving orders but also about listening to others' ideas and opinions. I have realized that a good leader is someone who empowers others to be their best selves and helps them achieve their goals. As a future leader, I have learned that my responsibility is to inspire and motivate others to work towards a common goal and create a positive impact on society.

In conclusion, NSTP 1 has been a valuable learning experience for me. I have learned that community service is an essential aspect of building a better society. Through community immersion, teamwork, and leadership, I have developed the skills and knowledge needed to make a positive impact on society. I believe that by applying these lessons, I can contribute to creating a better world and inspire others to do the same. NSTP 1 has opened my eyes to the problems that our society faces and has given me the tools to become a catalyst for change.

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