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Help Kindly tell me how to connect openai js chatbot api to my client's website

To connect the OpenAI JS chatbot API to your client's website, you can follow these steps:

1. Sign up for an OpenAI API key: First, you need to sign up for the OpenAI API and get an API key. You can sign up for the API access on the OpenAI website.

2. Install the OpenAI JS package: You can install the @openai/api package from npm to use the OpenAI API in your JavaScript code.

3. Configure the API key: Once you have installed the OpenAI JS package, you need to configure your API key in your code. You can use the setApiKey function to set your API key.

4. Create a chatbot: You can use the OpenAI API to create a chatbot. You need to provide a prompt to the API, which will be used to generate a response. The response will be the chatbot's message.

5. Integrate the chatbot into your website: You can integrate the chatbot into your client's website by adding the chatbot code to the website. You can use an iframe or embed the chatbot directly into the HTML code of the website.

Here is a sample code snippet to create a chatbot using the OpenAI JS API:

const openai = require('@openai/api');

const apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY';

openai.apiKey = apiKey;

const prompt = 'Hello, how can I help you?';

const chatbot = async () => {
  const response = await openai.Completion.create({
    engine: 'davinci',
    prompt: prompt,
    maxTokens: 150,



You can replace the prompt variable with your own chatbot prompt and customize other options as needed.

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